Land Use Planning Services
Access the secure Cityview Portal 24/7 for submitting planning application forms and proposals. The Portal accepts credit card payments. Learn more about the Development Review Process.
Land Use Planning
The Planning Division provides services regarding the Official Plan and Zoning By-law documents for the Town of Collingwood, exercising control over the subdivision of land, and indirectly by providing municipal services and pursuing municipal policies that support and reinforce the land use planning objectives of the Municipality and the County of Simcoe. Our suite of services is detailed in an accordion below.
The Planning Division accepts, on behalf of Council, proposed changes to land use and coordinates the review and approval process. Visit the Provincial Government website regarding Land Use Planning for resources to plan for municipal growth and development including information about Ontario’s Greenbelt and the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Learn about Ontario's vision, laws, policies, and processes for land use.
Staff Delegated Approval for Site Plan Control and Condominium Exemptions
Service Capacity Allocation Policy
Mapping Information
These maps provide Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Development Activity, and Heritage Properties information.
Land Use Planning Interactive Map
Are you interested in how Collingwood is growing? Subscribe to the Development Community e-newsletter, intended for those in the development industry - builders, developers, businesses, etc. Anyone interested in receiving updates regarding development in Collingwood is welcome to subscribe.
Development Community e-Newsletter
Meetings and Attending the Office
It is strongly encouraged that if an in-person meeting with staff is requested, a meeting is scheduled with the pertinent staff member prior to attending the office. Virtual meetings will be scheduled using either Microsoft Teams or ZOOM. Please email to request a meeting, including the topic and agenda for your meeting.
The comments above are made to the best of the Town's knowledge using all of the information and resources available at the posting time. The information contained herein is believed to be correct, however, the Town assumes no liability for negligence, inaccuracies, or omissions. You are welcome to make a personal examination of the applicable information by request via Microsoft Teams or by email to
Planning Act Notification
Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application should be aware that their submission (comments) and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file) and made available to the Applicant, Committee, and Council.
- Plan and deliver a physically complete community, and support economic success
- The Official Plan Visionary Policy Document
- The Zoning By-Law
- Development Management Policy Documents such as the Urban Design Manual
- Planning Act Applications
- Development Agreements Provision of Conditions & Requirements
- Administration of Approved Planning Applications
- Committee of Adjustment including minor variances, consents
- Third Party Peer Reviews
- Affordable Housing Initiative Social Housing
The TOC 2023 Budget Staff Report page 48 entitled Programs and Services
Acknowledgments of the Planning Act, Public Information, and Deposits on Account
The Owner, Applicant, and / or Agent acknowledges and agrees that: All costs incurred by the Municipality processing applications will be borne by the payee/applicant as deemed fit by the Municipality. In addition, the Town may require further or other reports that it determines are necessary to address such exceptional circumstances which may or not be sent directly to the agency. As described and implemented by Official Plan Amendment #16, these may include but are not limited to, engaging peer review consultants to evaluate the proposal, and supporting submissions shall also be borne by the payee or applicant. Further, All planning application proposal support materials must conform to the W3C’s WCAG 2.0 Level AA. This includes all submission materials for technical review including documents, plans, and multimedia content, for all statutory public meetings of Council and open houses. These materials may be posted to our Town of Collingwood Proposed Major Developments landing page and may be circulated for third-party reviews.
Notification of the Planning Act and Freedom of Information
- Pre-Consultation
- Tree Destruction
- Planning Application including Site Plan Control and Plan and Radio Communication
- Planning Application Form including Official Plan Amendent, Zoning By-Law Amendment, Removal of a Holding Provision from a zone, and Temporary Use Amendments
- Planning Application Form including Draft Plan of Subdivision, Registration of Plan Subdivision & Condominium Plan Approval
- Planning Application Form including Land Sales, Easements, and Encroachments
- Planning Application Form including Deeming By-Law, Part-Lot Control, and Parking Exemptions Deeming By-law
- Committee of Adjustment including Minor Variances and Consents
- Heritage Tax Refund Program (including Schedule A)
- Heritage Grant
- Heritage Building or Sign
Questions about these procedures should be directed to Planning Services by email or by phone 705-445-1030.
Application Fees
The flat fee is non-refundable and payable upon submission of the application. The contingency deposit fee is reconciled and any remaining balance is returned at the request of the payor. Consult the Treasury Department landing page for the current Fees & Charges.
To learn more about how to arrange payment(s), click here.
The definition of Short-Term Accommodation (STA) is "The use of dwelling unit, or any part thereof, that is operating or offering a place of temporary residence, lodging or occupancy by way of concession, permit, lease, licence, rental agreement or similar commercial arrangement for any period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, throughout all or any part of a calendar year." Section 4.25 4.25 Bed and BreakfastCollingwood Zoning By-law, Consolidated December 4, 2023.
The online application referred to as Airbnb is not affiliated with the rules and or regulations of the Town of Collingwood. It is a stand-alone web-based platform.
Development Application Review Process
The Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to adopt Site Plan Control.
Therefore The Town of Collingwood Site Plan Control By-Law No. 2010-082 pertains to certain lands within the municipal boundaries and The Official Plan designates all lands within the Town of Collingwood as a Site Plan Control area.
Your development may or may not be subject to Development Charges for sanitary sewers and water servicing, which may apply as per By-law No. 2014-032 which is administered by the Treasury Department.
Please contact the Building Department to understand if your development is subject to Town Development Charges By-law, Simcoe County Development Charges, Education Levy, or the Black Ash Creek Special Policy Charges. Building Services has an e-Permit Service that allows you to submit your building permit electronically. The Building Department administers the Street Naming Policy and Civic Addressing By-law 2014-028. For questions, please contact the Building Department by email at
The service OnLand Properties Records Portal provides legal documents associated with properties that have been registered on the Title of a piece of land possibly a Surveyor's Real Property Report (Survey).
OnLand is an online information source from the Ontario Land Registration and Writs system. This site provides access to official, property-related information and documents. Surveys are not stored in the OnLand system.
Interactive County of Simcoe Map
The County of Simcoe provides an interactive map that enables users to look up an address, use measurement tools, and locate property lines. The location of private property lines, survey stakes, and dealing with related matters is not the Town of Collingwood's responsibility. Property owners are responsible for their property lines, including when building fences or additions. Property owners may wish to consult with a lawyer, surveyor, or the Onland Registry Office in Barrie.
This brochure is provided to you compliments of: Robert Aaron, Lawyer President of the Ontario Real Estate Lawyers Association (© Copyright: Association of Ontario Land Surveyors, 2002).
The Planning Act (the Act) is provincial legislation that sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario and how it affects the Town of Collingwood (TOC). The Act describes how land uses may be controlled, and who may control them. The Ontario Government has a useful guide that outlines the role of municipalities within the province. It outlines the process of planning application proposals (planning applications) and how planning applications must be processed. This video outlines the structure and levels of Government in Canada.
The TOC is a lower-tier municipality and therefore has prescribed legal powers and responsibilities. This website outlines the organization of Municipalities in Ontario.
"Upon Appeal, The OLT adjudicates or mediates matters related to land use planning, environmental and natural features and heritage protection, land valuation, land compensation, municipal finance, and related matters."
When an appeal has been submitted the review and decisions are in the scope of the OLT and no longer the Developer or Municipality. It is a formal court session and the OLT will provide decisions that both must follow.
Any questions can be asked to the Ontario Land Tribunal Coordinator assigned to the case.
(Land use planning, The Planning Department, planning processes in Ontario, Planning Act, OLT, Ontario Land Tribunal)
- The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- County of Simcoe
- Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
- Grey Sauble Conservation Authority
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Growth Plan for Golden Horseshoe
- Provincial Land Use Policy Information
- Ontario Land Use Tribunal (OLT)
- A Citizen's Guide to Land Use Planning
Please use your printer dialogue settings to choose ledger-sized paper. The Town no longer produces development activity maps. The most current information is here.
Development Activity Maps
- 2013 Development Activity Map
- 2014 Development Activity Map
- 2016 Development Activity Map
- 2017 Development Activity Map
- 2018 Development Activity Map
- 2019 Development Activity Map
- 2020 Development Activity Map
- 2021 Development Activity Map
Subdivision Activity Maps
Surety Bond Policy - Passed in February 2024
The Town of Collingwood is updating its Official Plan.
The Official Plan is the overall policy framework for how land is used in Collingwood and sets out the vision for the community over the next 20 years.
The Plan is the guide for managing where, when, and how the Town should grow. Visit Engage Collingwood for details.
Planning Act Notification
Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application must be aware that their submission (comments) and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file) which is available to the Public, and made available to the Applicant, Committee and Council.
Planning Services administers the reduction of securities regarding Site Plan Agreements (SPA) that have been registered on the Title of a subject property.
Learn more about reduction in securities.
Amending Zoning By-law No. 2018-017 implements policy changes in the Official Plan (OPA#33) allowing greater opportunities for secondary suites, including accessory apartments and second units. Examples include coach houses, garden suites, and an apartment within a home.
Review the By-law for the provisions.
Review the Building Services Accessory Apartment Building Permit & Approvals Guide.
The comments above are made to the best of the Town's knowledge using all of the information and resources available at the posting time. The information contained herein is believed to be correct, however, the Town assumes no liability for negligence, inaccuracies, or omissions. Please contact Planning Services at or 705-445-1030 extension 3714.
Planning Act:
Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application should be aware that their submission and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record and made available to the Applicant, Committee, and Council.
A Place to Grow
Click the button below to review the Province of Ontario Growth Plan which includes Collingwood, Ontario.
A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
A Place to Grow is the Ontario government's initiative to plan for growth and development in a way that supports economic prosperity, protects the environment, and helps communities achieve a high quality of life.
Click the button below to review the Province of Ontario's land use planning legislative policies.
The Province of Ontario and Land Use Planning Legislative Policies
Acknowledgment of the Planning Act and Freedom of Information
Personal information on these forms is collected under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and will be used to contact the applicant regarding the progress of their application. This information will be used by the Town and relevant agencies for processing of this application and will also be available to members of the public inquiring about the application and is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, as amended.
Acknowledgment of Public Information
The applicant grants the Town of Collingwood (TOC) permission to reproduce, in whole or in part, any document submitted as part of a complete application for internal use, inclusion in staff reports, or distribution to the public either online or through other means for the purpose of application review. The applicant agrees to provide in electronic form, to the TOC for internal and external use and distribution to the public either online or through other means for the purposes of application review.
If the applicant believes there may be a security risk by allowing the public access to any portion of these documents, the applicant must indicate the portion of the document(s) to which this concern applies, along with supporting documentation outlining the reasons for concern, along with the document submitted as part of the application. Planning Department Professionals or delegates will consider, but will not be bound to agree with, such submissions prior to reproduction, in whole or in part, any identified portions for internal use, inclusion in staff reports, or public distribution via electronic means.
Development applications are published on the Proposed Major Developments page, accessible by clicking the link below.
The Owner/Applicant/Agent acknowledges and agrees that: All costs incurred by the municipality processing this application will be borne by the payee/applicant as deemed fit by the Municipality. In addition, the Town may require further or other reports that it determines are necessary to address such exceptional circumstances which may or not be sent directly to the agency. As described and implemented by Official Plan Amendment #16, these may include but are not limited to, engaging peer review consultants to evaluate the proposal, and supporting submissions shall also be borne by the payee/applicant.
The Treasury Department/Finance schedule is accessible via the button below, and outlines the current fees as well as other notable items.