Land Use Planning Services

Access the secure Cityview Portal 24/7 for submitting planning application forms and proposals. The Portal accepts credit card payments.  Learn more about the Development Review Process.  

Land Use Planning

The Planning Division provides services regarding the Official Plan and Zoning By-law documents for the Town of Collingwood, exercising control over the subdivision of land, and indirectly by providing municipal services and pursuing municipal policies that support and reinforce the land use planning objectives of the Municipality and the County of Simcoe.  Our suite of services is detailed in an accordion below. 

The Planning Division accepts, on behalf of Council, proposed changes to land use and coordinates the review and approval process. Visit the Provincial Government website regarding Land Use Planning for resources to plan for municipal growth and development including information about Ontario’s Greenbelt and the Greater Golden Horseshoe.  Learn about Ontario's vision, laws, policies, and processes for land use.

Cityview Public Portal

Planning Application Forms

Collingwood Official Plan 

Collingwood Zoning By-law

Staff Delegated Approval for Site Plan Control and Condominium Exemptions

Service Capacity Allocation Policy

Mapping Information 

These maps provide Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Development Activity, and Heritage Properties information.

Land Use Planning Interactive Map

Heritage Properties

Proposed Major Developments

Engage Collingwood

Are you interested in how Collingwood is growing? Subscribe to the Development Community e-newsletter,  intended for those in the development industry - builders, developers, businesses, etc. Anyone interested in receiving updates regarding development in Collingwood is welcome to subscribe.

Development Community e-Newsletter


Meetings and Attending the Office

It is strongly encouraged that if an in-person meeting with staff is requested, a meeting is scheduled with the pertinent staff member prior to attending the office.  Virtual meetings will be scheduled using either Microsoft Teams or ZOOM. Please email to request a meeting, including the topic and agenda for your meeting.


The comments above are made to the best of the Town's knowledge using all of the information and resources available at the posting time. The information contained herein is believed to be correct, however, the Town assumes no liability for negligence, inaccuracies, or omissions. You are welcome to make a personal examination of the applicable information by request via Microsoft Teams or by email to

Planning Act Notification

Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application should be aware that their submission (comments) and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file)  and made available to the Applicant, Committee, and Council.

  • Plan and deliver a physically complete community, and support economic success
  • The Official Plan Visionary Policy Document
  • The Zoning By-Law
  • Development Management Policy Documents such as the Urban Design Manual
  • Planning Act Applications
  • Development Agreements Provision of Conditions & Requirements
  • Administration of Approved Planning Applications
  • Committee of Adjustment including minor variances, consents
  • Third Party Peer Reviews
  • Affordable Housing Initiative Social Housing


The TOC 2023 Budget Staff Report page 48 entitled Programs and Services

Land use planning in Ontario

The Town of Collingwood is updating its Official Plan.

The Official Plan is the overall policy framework for how land is used in Collingwood and sets out the vision for the community over the next 20 years.

The Plan is the guide for managing where, when, and how the Town should grow. Visit Engage Collingwood for details.

Planning Act Notification

Individuals who make written submissions with respect to a Planning Act application must be aware that their submission (comments) and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file) which is available to the Public, and made available to the Applicant, Committee and Council.

Planning Services administers the reduction of securities regarding Site Plan Agreements (SPA) that have been registered on the Title of a subject property. 

Learn more about reduction in securities.