180 Mountain Road, Site Plan

Site Location for 180 Mountain Road





The proposed Site Plan Amendment is for an expansion of on-site parking (75 to 256 spaces) as well as changes to the site layout to facilitate multiple tenancies within the previously approved building.

Municipal Planner:  Beckett Frisch

The comments above are made to the best of our knowledge using all the information and resources available at the posting time. The information contained herein is believed to be correct, however, the Town of Collingwood assumes no liability for negligence, inaccuracies, or omissions. For more information, please contact the assigned Town of Collingwood Planner or you are welcome to request more information from planning@collingwood.ca during office hours of Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Planning Act: 
Be advised, individuals who make written (comments) submissions with respect to a Planning Act application should be aware that their submission and any personal information in their correspondence will become part of the public record (file) and these comments maybe available to the public further these are made available to the Applicant, Committee, and Council.