D080123, 11476 HIGHWAY 26, Glow Condominiums
Application Details
Owner: VMK Capital Inc.
Applicant or Agent: Loft Planning Inc., c/o Kristine Loft
Project Description: This is an Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendement to allow for a residential condominium development with 194 condominium units within two, six-storey buildings.
Municipal Information
Municipal Planners assigned to this proposal
Julie Nolan and Nathan Wukasch
contact: jnolan@collingwood.ca or 705-445-1290 Ext 3285
contact: nwukasch@collingwood.ca or 705-445-1290 Ext 3275
Stay tuned for more information.
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(TOC File Number D084123, OPA and ZBA Posting May 12, 2023 )
Council of the Corporation of the Town of Collingwood has received an application for decision of an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment and will hold a public meeting on Monday June 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Posted May 19, 2023
Site Servicing, Grading and Erosion Plans
Phase One Environmental Site Assessment
Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment
(OPA and ZBA Development known as Glow May 12, 2023)