Ambassador Busking Program

Collingwood Ambassador Busking Program

The Town of Collingwood recognizes that street entertainment brings a special kind of energy to public spaces. We encourage responsible busking that helps to animate our streets by coming alive with music, dance, and other entertainment initiatives. 

A valid busking license is required in the Town of Collingwood and those who wish to busk will need to complete a busking license application form. 

The following information will provide you with all the necessary information you will need to enjoy a smooth, entertaining, and enjoyable experience throughout our 2024 busking year.

Thanks for choosing the Town of Collingwood to share your passion and talents with our residents and visitors. We applaud you!

Calling Emerging Performers & Interested Musicians!

The 2024 New Ambassador Busker Program is now accepting applications, with a maximum of 28 participants being licensed.