
February 10, 2020
Bylaw Enforcement

Collingwood is surrounded by beautiful coastline, forests, escarpment, and farmland. Wildlife, including coyotes, live in the region.

Coyotes have been spotted in several areas throughout Collingwood.

While the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is responsible for the management of wildlife including coyotes, Town staff have been in discussion with the Ministry and they are aware of coyote sightings in Collingwood. The following information regarding how to prevent encounters with coyotes and how to react if you do find yourself in proximity to the animal has been shared by the MNR. Homeowners can take preventative steps to ensure coyotes aren’t attracted to their property and to keep their pets safe.


  • Coyotes are usually wary of humans and other animals.
  • Never feed coyotes! Do not leave any type of food outdoors for any animal, including pets. Bird feeders attract birds, squirrels and rodents, which may in turn attract coyotes.
  • Garbage should be stored in sealed containers and placed at the curb on the day of pick up.
  • Avoid composting meat products.
  • Keep pets indoors. Never let pets roam at large, and always walk your dog on a leash.

Knowing this information and being aware that coyotes are a normal part of the ecosystem, it is also important to keep in mind safety tips if you encounter a coyote.

  • Do not turn your back on or run from a coyote. Back away calmly
  • Stand tall, wave your hands and make lots of noise
  • If a coyote poses an immediate threat or danger to public safety, call 911.

If you would like to report a coyote sighting, please feel free to contact:

For information or advice concerning wildlife, individuals are encouraged to contact the Ministry of Natural Resources by calling 705-725-7500.  ​

Discover More about Animal Control in Collingwood