Town of Collingwood Undertaking Consultation On New Lobbyist Registry
Town of Collingwood (“The Town”) is committed to offering meaningful two-way communication with the public and stakeholders, and will be undertaking a consultation regarding the implementation of a lobbyist registry as part of its intention to be a high-performing 21st Century organization, supporting a healthy, strong, and vibrant community, and preparing for future growth.
A lobbyist registry is intended to provide transparency of information regarding individuals who communicate with Town Council and Staff with the intention to persuade or influence decision-making for the Town and who stand to benefit financially for these efforts.
This new initiative, to be implemented in January 2020, will provide more transparency regarding the decision-making process of the Town and is meant to inform the public of the stakeholders involved in the various matters of the Town.
Council’s original directive requested staff investigate existing practices and explore new opportunities to enhance accountability and transparency initiatives and programs ensuring good governance within the Town of Collingwood. “It is clear that by voting unanimously to support this initiative, Council is sending a very strong message on enhancing the transparency in the municipal decision-making process. Transparency is a crucial element to continuing to build the trust of the residents of this beautiful town and we are very proud of the fact that Collingwood will be the first municipality of its size in Ontario to implement a lobbyist registry,” remarks Mayor Brian Saunderson.
The stakeholder and public engagement shall occur throughout the month of November, 2019. The findings will contribute to developing the most appropriate application of a lobbyist registry for the Town of Collingwood. “We are following the best practices of larger municipalities and we are looking to obtain feedback from the residents and stakeholders. Our hope is that this Registry, and our Accountability and Transparency initiatives in general, will continue to inspire trust from our residents,” states Fareed Amin, Collingwood’s Chief Administrative Officer.
The public is invited to view the Town’s website and Engage Collingwood to learn more about the registry and the public and stakeholder consultation.
The Town’s newly appointed Accountability Officer is expected to act as the Registrar and will be the key point person for questions or feedback.
For more information:
Sarah Fortier
Accountability Officer
Town of Collingwood
705-445-1030 ext. 3261