Rapid Additional Residential Unit (ARU) Initiative 2.0
The Town is re-launching the Rapid Additional Residential Unit (ARU) Initiative with important program updates, including a minor program name change, more financial incentives available to homeowners to build ARUs, new pre-approved designs and zoning updates that could allow up to four dwelling units per residential or rural property!
The Rapid ARU Initiative is an initiative that allows individual homeowners to help solve the housing crisis by creating more year-round rental housing and earning rental income.
ARUs are ideal for empty nesters, seniors, new homeowners, and anyone who is “over-housed” with extra space that they aren’t using. Adding an ARU can take effort and investment, but the Town is taking steps to simplify the process and connect you to resources that can help.
What is an ARU?
An Additional Residential Unit (ARU) is a smaller living unit that can be either within the main dwelling, like a basement apartment, or separate from the main home such as a dwelling above a garage or a separate coach house. Most times referred to as an Additional Residential Unit (ARU) or Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU).
Rapid ARU Initiative
The Town of Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Task Force recommended increasing the number of ARUs as the fastest way to provide more rental housing units to address the affordable housing crisis. The Town of Collingwood is aligning the Rapid ARU Initiative 2.0 with recent provincial legislative changes through Bill 23: The More Homes Built Faster Act, which aims to remove barriers and promote the creation of more ARUs in Collingwood and across the Province.
The program includes three key elements:
- Step-by-Step ARU Guide: The Town will provide a streamlined process and connect you with the necessary resources to make the ARU creation process easier.
- Pre-Approved Designs: The Town has pre-approved designs available to choose from, saving you time and effort.
- Financial Incentives: The Town offers grants to help support you as you create your ARU.
What type of ARUs are allowed on residential lots in Collingwood?
The Town recently made changes to the Zoning By-law to align with provincial changes made by Bill 23. The Housing Focused Zoning By-law Amendment fast-tracked key Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP) recommendations to encourage an increase of housing supply in Collingwood. The Zoning changes include allowing four dwelling units on serviced residential and rural lots Town-wide, reducing parking requirements for Additional Residential Units (ARUs) and apartment building, and changing zoning provisions for ARUs to reduce barriers. You are encouraged to email ARU@collingwood.ca to discuss your property and plans. Expand each heading below to learn more.
The Town of Collingwood Zoning By-law, administered by Planning Services, is the regulatory document which provides the details for all dwelling unit types. Sections 4.40 Additional Residential Units (ARUs) and Section 5.1 Parking and Loading Provisions will provide details around ARUs.
*Note: All zoning provisions continue to apply to lots that do not meet the definition of fully serviced residential parcels.
Discover the housing potential in your own backyard using ADUSearch

Visit www.adusearch.ca , select Collingwood as your municipality, search your property and, with a click of a button, find out if it meets the minimum zoning bylaw requirements for an attached or detached ARU. ADUSearch is a tool for a general understanding of requirements, we encourage property owners to email ARU@collingwood.ca to confirm zoning details. The platform also provides other valuable information such as the buildable area of the lot and other relevant details, in its user-friendly sidebar.