Snow removal and winter maintenance of Town roads and sidewalks is completed by the Public Works department. The Province of Ontario has put in place a set of maintenance standards that provide a baseline for our snow clearing and roads maintenance activities, and it's our mission to meet or exceed them. While we do our very best to provide the best possible level of customer service to residents, business owners and visitors alike, it is important to remember that various weather conditions and other circumstances can affect our snow clearing operations.
Resident Responsibilites:
Follow the overnight parking restrictions - No parking on the road from December 1st to March 31st during the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Do not push, pile, or accumulate snow onto a roadway or sidewalk - This is a violation of the Highway Traffic Act and could have serious consequences
Do not obstruct traffic or the view of traffic with piles of snow - snow shall not be pushed, piled or accumulated in a way that obstructs traffic or the view of traffic
Do not obstruct snow equipment with piles of snow - Snow shall not be pushed, piled or accumulated in a way that obstructs Town of Collingwood snow removal equipment
Make it safe for everyone!
- Alway wear proper footwear while walking or clearing snow
- When driving, avoid splashing slush and water onto sidewalks which could quickly freeze
- Slow down on roadways
- Don't allow children to play in snow banks
- Assist with the clearing of fire hydrants and catch basins
- Avoid driving on the road during major snow storms
- Consider helping a neighbour or friend with snow removal if they are unable to do so
Winter Waste Disposal: Setting out your carts
- When shovelling, clear a flat spot at the end of your driveway or at the curb for your carts
- Place carts within eight feet of the traveled portion of the road, which ensures the automated arm can reach while allowing room for snow clearing equipment to pass
- Don't place carts behind or on top of snowbanks

For more information, please visit The County of Simcoe or contact the Service Simcoe Contact Centre at 1-800-263-3199 or