Water Billing Rates

The Town of Collingwood's water and wastewater billing is issued by EPCOR EDO Inc. For information regarding payment options or account information please contact EPCOR at 705-445-1800 or visit EPCOR's website.

EPCOR is responsible for the following:

  • All payments and billing information for water and wastewater usage
  • Creating a new water account or making changes to an existing account
  • Final meter readings for closing dates or accounts
  • Water certificates

Your water and wastewater are billed on a monthly basis for both residential and commercial accounts. The bill amount combines a supply fee (fixed) and a consumption fee (variable) for both water and wastewater.

The system is self-funded. Water and wastewater rates pay for operations and maintenance to ensure a safe and reliable water supply as well as responsible wastewater treatment. Water and wastewater services are not supported by property taxes.

Landlords, please note: Provincial legislation under Section 398 (2) of the Municipal Act provides that charges for the supply of a public utility may be added to the taxes for the property to which the utility was supplied. This includes water/wastewater arrears of the tenants of an owner's property. The property owner is ultimately responsible for any water/wastewater charges that remain outstanding.

Effective February 1, 2022: If a tenant fails to pay the Water & Wastewater arrears for a period of 90 days or more, the total arrears balance at the date of transfer will be applied to the owner's property tax roll.

As a property owner, you may be held responsible for unpaid water bills incurred by tenant(s) / occupant(s) as provided for under the Town of Collingwood's Water Supply By-law 2016-066.

What is the schedule for notification of past-due accounts?

30 days after the due dateEPCOR mails a reminder letter to the primary account holder.
60 days past the due dateTown of Collingwood mails a notice to the primary account holder & propertyowner warning of a pending transfer to the property tax account for theservice address.
90 days past the due dateTown of Collingwood sends a notice to the primary account holder & propertyowner confirming the transfer to the property tax account of total amounts in arrears.

Property owners can have access to tenant water account balances by having their tenants complete this form and submit it to EPCOR. This form permits the property owner to access information about the arrears balance when the last payment was made, and if there are any payment arrangements in place. If a property owner prefers, they may leave the Water/Wastewater account in their name (i.e., the tenant would continue to receive the Electricity bill from EPCOR and the owner would receive the Water/Wastewater bill). Contact customer service at EPCOR for more details.

If you have questions, please review the FAQs. If you have further questions, please contact the tax department at taxes@collingwood.ca or call 705-445-1030 ext. 3625.

Request for Consideration of Water Shut-Off

Property owners may request that the Town consider shutting off the water supply to their property that is occupied by a tenant when both of the following conditions are met:

  1. The tenant arrears have been added to the property owner's property tax account twice in the past 6 months, AND
  2. The tenant's water account is still in arrears.

The Town will determine if shutting off the water is the next step in the collection process; if so, the Town will advise the tenant by letter that they have 15 days to pay the arrears in full or the water will be shut off. A notice will be delivered or posted on the tenant's door communicating the same information no less than 48 hours before the planned shut-off.

The water will remain shut off until the water account is paid in full including the charges added for water shut-off services, or a significant payment is made with additional payment arrangements that have been approved by the Town. Once this payment condition is met, the Town requires a minimum of 48 hours to turn the water back on. The property owner or their designate must be at the property in order to have the service turned on.

For tenant accounts that are not paid within two weeks of the water being shut off, the arrears will be added to the property tax account.

To make the above request, property owners must complete this form which includes detailed information regarding the process, and then submit it to the Finance department as instructed on the form.

Water & Wastewater Rates 2022

2022 Monthly Water and Wastewater Rates and Structure
All AccountsWaterWastewater
Fixed Charge: $/Month  
Up to 1 1/4 inch$18.33$35.00
1 1/4 inch$23.16$44.33
1 1/2 inch$35.15$66.49
2 inch$51.70$97.99
3 inch$77.32$146.99
4 inch$117.18$221.64
6 inch$176.13$333.60
8 inch$234.34$444.44
10 inch$352.24$668.40
Consumption Charge: $/m3
Tier 1: 0 - 8m3 /month$0.99$1.00
Tier 2: 8 - 15m3 /month$1.04$1.05
Tier 3: 15 - 150m3 /month$1.14$1.15
Tier 4: >150 m3 /month$0.84$0.85

Water & Wastewater Rates 2023

2023 Monthly Water and Wastewater Rates and Structure
Consumption Charge: $/m3
All AccountsWaterWastewater
Fixed Charge: $/Month  
Up to 1 1/4 inch$18.51$35.35
1 1/4 inch$23.39$44.77
1 1/2 inch$35.15$67.15
2 inch$52.22$98.97
3 inch$78.09$148.46
4 inch$118.35$223.86
6 inch$177.89$336.94
8 inch$236.68$448.88
10 inch$355.76$675.08
Tier 1: 0 - 8m3 /month$1.02$1.036
Tier 2: 8 - 15m3 /month$1.07$1.088
Tier 3: 15 - 150m3 /month$1.17$1.191
Tier 4: >150 m3 /month$0.87$0.881

Water & Wastewater Rates 2024

2024 Monthly Water and Wastewater Rates and Structure
Consumption Charge: $/m3
All AccountsWaterWastewater
Fixed Charge: $/Month  
Up to 1 1/4 inch$18.70$35.70
1 1/4 inch$23.62$45.22
1 1/2 inch$35.50$67.82
2 inch$52.74$99.96
3 inch$78.87$149.94
4 inch$119.53$226.10
6 inch$179.67$340.31
8 inch$239.05$453.37
10 inch$359.32$681.83
Tier 1: 0 - 8m3 /month$1.050$1.072
Tier 2: 8 - 15m3 /month$1.101$1.126
Tier 3: 15 - 150m3 /month$1.206$1.233
Tier 4: >150 m3 /month$0.891$0.912

Are you interested in connecting to the Town of Collingwood's water infrastructure? Contact Water Services at 705-445-1030 ext. 3320 or water@collingwood.ca to see if servicing is available in your area and for a quote.