When can election signs by displayed
Signs may only be displayed 60 days prior to fixed election date and must be removed within 72 hours after the date of the election by the candidate or candidate’s representative.
Election Sign Deposit
$100 deposit fee must be provided to the Town in the form of cash, credit care, debit or cheque payable to the Town of Collingwood before any election signs are erected. Deposit is refunded upon the removal of all signs following the election, less any sign removal fees (see below).
Municipal Identification Stickers (X50)
Only 50 signs may be displayed on public property. All signs on public property require a Municipal Election Sign Identification Sticker which will be provided upon receipt of deposit fee. Stickers are not required for signs on private property.
How big can my election signs be? (Maximum Display Area)
Public Property: 1.0m2
Private Property: 0.56m2
Where can I put my signs?
Signs on Private Property
• Must have approval of the property owner or tenant
• Must be set back 3m from the sidewalk/road
• Must not block the visibility of another election sign
Signs on Public Property
• Only permitted on the landscaped boulevard in front of property zoned as commercial or industrial (see restrictions)
Display of Third-Party Advertiser Signs
Signed cannot be located a minimum of 50m from any candidate election sign, and must not block the visibility of another election sign.
Election signs may not be displayed:
- in a manner that obstructs pedestrians, traffic or fire access
- on or overhanging public property
- if illuminated, electronic or has moving parts
- on a utility or light pole
- on billboards
- within medians, centre boulevards or traffic islands
- on a tree, stone or other natural object
- on any kind of sign
- on a sound barrier wall or fence
- on a bus shelter
- within a traffic sight triangle
- inside or outside a municipal facility
- within 100m of a voting place
- on a vehicle parked within 100m of a voting place
- in a manner that is dangerous
- in front of educational institutions, municipal facilities, parks, trails, and other governmental facilities
- must not block the visibility of another election sign
Information to include on your signs:
- name of candidate
- name of the third party advertiser (if applicable)
- municipality where third-party advertiser is registered (if applicable)
- contact information of third-party advertiser (if applicable)
What cannot appear on your signs:
- town logo or marks
Removal of Signs
Signs may be removed by the Town without notice if deemed a hazard to the public or 12 hours after the candidate/third-party advertiser has been asked to move a sign. Each sign removal results in a part of the election sign deposit being retained by the Town up to the full amount after three such instances.
Recycling of Election Signs
Coroplast is a non-biodegradable material that is not accepted in the everyday curbside waste collection program. However, it can be recycled and all candidates are encouraged to do so at an appropriate County of Simcoe Waste Management Facility. For further information on the recycling of election signs and the location of nearby Waste Management Facilities please contact the County of Simcoe at: Phone: 705-735-6901 | Toll Free: 1-800-263-3199
E-mail: info@simcoe.ca | Website: www.simcoe.ca
Have a question about election signs? We’re here to help!
Clerk Services, Town Hall, 97 Hurontario St., Collingwood
Phone: (705) 445-1030
Email: clerk@collingwood.ca
This guide has been prepared by the Town of Collingwood’s Clerk’s Department for information purposes only. To view the full by-law visit: Election Sign By-law | Town of Collingwood. It is not an official version of By-law No. 2018-024 Election Sign By-law