At the Monday, January 27, 2025, meeting, Council approved the 2025 budget focusing on continuing quality programs and services while reducing debt and investing in community priorities highlighted in the Community Based Strategic Plan, while also addressing growth pressures and managing increasing costs felt throughout the Canadian economy. The 2025 operating budget comprises $74.2 million in operating expenses and $123.7 million in capital expenses.
Collingwood residents will see a 3.18% increase, $78.62 per year for the median assessed Collingwood household. When combined with the changes to County and School Board land tax changes, the overall blended rate is an increase of 2.89% or $114/year.
“Knowing that some residents are struggling with the ever-increasing cost of living, Council and Staff worked incredibly hard to keep the tax rate as low as possible for 2025,” says Mayor Yvonne Hamlin. “We approved a budget that is fiscally prudent yet continues to deliver the quality programs and services that our community expects. On behalf of Council, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Budget Process. Your feedback was essential!”
Highlights of the 2025 Municipal Budget:
- Housing Supports – Continues with a $350,000 investment to continue actioning the recommendations in the Affordable Housing Master Plan.
- Transit – Increase in hours for Transit and Transit Plus ($145,000) and reduces monthly pass fares for youth.
- Parks and Harbour – Enables completion of Wilson Sheffield Park ($3,870,000), Block 9 Public Piazza, located at the north end of Ste. Marie and St. Paul Streets ($3,000,000), and replacement of the Old Village Park Washroom ($520,000).
- Stormwater Management – Continues renewal of the large Minnesota Storm Sewer ($4,140,000).
- Water Treatment and Distribution – Continues work on the Water Treatment Plant Expansion ($29,177,500).
- Terminals Point Project – Moves forward with the transformative Revitalization of the Grain Terminals and the surrounding lands. Terminals Point ($577,000), enabling private sector investments that will improve the space for all. This work is being funded through municipal reserves and does not impact the 2025 tax rate.
- Roads and Transportation – Delivers several major investments in road works and rehabilitation projects in 2025, including Mountain Road Widening and Active Transportation improvements ($12,130,000), Third Street Bridge Rehabilitation ($1,821,000) and Highway 26 West improvements ($2,100,000).
- Keeping our Assets in Good Condition – Puts aside funds for planned renewals of our assets, such as roads and bridges, as recommended in our Asset Management Plan ($4.8M).
- Wastewater Treatment Plant rehabilitation work – Continues needed Wastewater Treatment renewals, including Digester repairs, Boiler replacement and Screw Pump Rehabilitation ($5,095,000).
- Climate Action – Enables continuation of Corporate Climate Action Plan projects and work to complete a Community Climate Action Plan.
- An incentive to attract new family physicians and funding for education and enforcement for new Short Term Accommodation licencing are also included.
Public Engagement
The Town launched public engagement for the 2025 Budget on Engage.Collingwood.ca in July 2024, followed by a booth at the Farmer’s Market on September 21st. Staff presented Budget Guidelines and Preliminary Environmental Scan on September 23rd. Residents were invited to attend and/or provide input at any of the four public Council/Committee meetings held with the first drafts of the budget and attend the Coffee with Council presentation and informal chat held on November 20th. Thank you to all residents who participated in this critical process and provided valuable input in the 2025 budget.
To learn more about the Budget Process and view financial information for the Town, please visit www.collingwood.ca/budget.
To learn about engagement opportunities for the 2026 Budget Process, which will launch in mid-2025, please subscribe to the Town’s News & Notices at www.collingwood.ca/stay-connected.