As the Mayor of the Town of Collingwood, I want to express my deep disappointment with the recent tariff threats by the U.S. government. These tariffs, if enacted, will have serious implications for our local businesses and our hardworking citizens who depend on affordable goods and a stable economy.
Following the lead of our Prime Minister and Premier, I believe all orders of government have a role to play in ensuring Canadian businesses are prioritized. Recognizing Collingwood has a number of businesses that export to the US, and the Town itself makes many purchases, I felt it was my duty to table the following motion, which Council passed unanimously yesterday:
Whereas Canada has been a consistent ally, friend and neighbour of the United States;
And Whereas a trade agreement was signed only a few years ago between our countries, to the benefit of both;
And Whereas the White House, contrary to that trade agreement has announced the levying of significant tariffs against products sold to the United States from Canada;
And Whereas these unjust, unfair and illegal tariffs will cause economic hurt and disruption to manufacturers and businesses and their employees in Collingwood and across Canada;
And Whereas this is an act of economic warfare;
And Whereas our Prime Minister and Premier are encouraging Canadians to choose Canada and to choose products made in Canada;
And Whereas we must stand united and strong to meet this moment and protect our communities.
Now Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Collingwood only purchase products made in Canada whenever practicable, in all of its purchasing decisions, including increasing current invitational and open market thresholds in the Procurement By-law to enable targeted purchases from Canadian Suppliers;
And that Staff investigate and report back further purchasing practices that can create a structured framework that enables Collingwood to prioritize Canadian products and services;
And that the Town take steps to encourage its residents and businesses to buy products made in Canada;
And that staff convene an Economic Development Roundtable meeting at the earliest opportunity with members of our manufacturing and business community.
And that a copy of this motion be forwarded to FCM, AMO, Mayors of the municipalities in South Georgian Bay and Wardens of Simcoe and Grey Counties.
We are resilient, and I know that together we can navigate these challenges.
Buy Canadian!
Yvonne Hamlin