
In some form or another, the Collingwood Public Library has existed since 1856, when the Collingwood Mechanics’ Institute and Library Association began with 700 volumes. In 1896, a free public library was opened under a Board of Management, at the corner of Ontario and Ste. Marie streets.

Andrew Carnegie worked in the steel industry when the railroads were making their mark on the landscape. When he retired in 1901, he sold Carnegie Steel Company for $500,000,000 and began making philanthropic donations to public libraries. With a $12,500 grant, The Collingwood Carnegie Library opened in 1904. Sadly, as a result of arson, this building succumbed to a fire in 1963.

What was then considered the “new” Collingwood Library was built at the corner of Second and Maple streets, and remained there from 1964 to 2010. Outgrowing that space, the Library moved to its current location on Ste. Marie in 2010, where we continue to serve our wonderful community.

Visit the Collingwood Library