Public Transit
Transit News & Notices
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On-Demand Transit - Book Your Ride
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*FAQs for On-Demand Transit are located at the bottom of this page
Colltrans will continue to operate on the Sunday schedule until further notice. The Blue Mountain Link will operate on its normal schedule. Please note there is no Colltrans Service on any statutory holidays. For transit delays please contact Colltrans Phone: 705-446-1196
In-Town Schedules:
- Crosstown Route Schedule is for Monday to Friday. Weekends are booked on demand only.
- East Route
- West Route
- Blue Mountain Link (BLINK)
Please see temporary schedules listed above for reference during the pandemic.
South Georgian Bay Regional Transit Map (PDF)
Simcoe County LINX Transit Service
For information on Wasaga Beach Link schedules and fares, please go to the Simcoe County LINX website.
Single fares
Adults: $2.25
Seniors (60 & over)/Students: $1.75
Children (5 & under): Free
Blue Mountain Link: $2.25 flat fare
Transit Plus
Adults: $2.25
Seniors (60 & over)/Students: $1.75
Children (5 & under): Free
Monthly passes
- Adult: $41.00
- Seniors (60 & over): $31.00
- Students: $15.00
- Collingwood/Blue Mountains link: $41.00
You can now purchase your monthly passes and load funds to your epurse for Colltrans and The Blue Mountain online! Login or create an account at
Before you begin, create an account using the register button, and complete your personal information entry. You will receive an email from Transitfare to activate your account after you have completed the personal information signup. Once you receive your email from Transitfare, click the link in the email to verify your account. Once this has been completed you may login to the Transitfare portal and begin to purchase your passes.
To contact support, please email Service Collingwood at for further assistance or call 705-445-1030.
A detailed step by step process to create your account is available on our website.
Transit passes can also be purchased in person at 2 locations in Collingwood:
- Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street
- Collingwood Public Library, 55 Ste. Marie Street
Review our Services & Facilties Impact page for current hours of operation during the pandemic.
Colltrans & Blue Mountain Link
Town of Collingwood public transit buses are fully accessible and can be used for wheelchairs, motorized scooters, pull behind shopping carts, as well as strollers. The buses are all equipped with a passenger side access ramp which is available for use upon request as well as Q-STRAINT securement. All buses are outfitted with bike racks which are available for use at no extra charge.
TransitPLUS Specialized Service launched December 17, 2022
- Changes to accessible transit services: Specialized Service Announcement
- Riders are encouraged to pre-register with Landmark before the official launch of the new service. The application form for pre-registration is found here: Specialized Transit Application - Landmark (fillable pdf)
- For further information, please see Specialized Transit Policy and Procedure - November 2022
- Detailed information on accessibility equipment can be made upon request by emailing Collingwood Transit
TransitPLUS is a specialized transit service offering door to door public transportation, for anyone who is unable to access conventional transit due to medical, physical, cognitive disabilities. TransitPLUS will be replacing the existing Red Cross specialized service within the Town of Collingwood, as well as the accessible taxi service currently being subsidized by the Town of Collingwood.
New riders who have not used the Red Cross service will be required to pre-register by submitting an application. Complete the TransitPLUS specialized transit application. Completed applications are returned to Landmark Bus Lines.
Active Red Cross clients who are currently using accessible services within Collingwood will not be required re-apply for TransitPLUS. Existing Red Cross users will still have to contact Landmark Bus Lines to provide addtional details.
TransitPLUS cannot guarantee same day booking requests. The service will strive to maintain and accommodate all same day bookings that are made. Like any type of door-to-door service, any transportation request that is made will be dependant upon the current demand at the time of the request. Bookings will always be prioritized on a first come first serve basis. TransitPLUS would encourage all riders pre-book any ride that they know may be coming up.
TransitPLUS operates 7 Days a week 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Adult $2.00
Student/Senior $1.50
Companions and Service Animals ride free with registered clients.
It is recommended that riders book a return trip when scheduling their initial trip. We encourage riders to plan ahead as best as possible to ensure a pickup is available. It is recommended that riders provide a window of at least an hour if there is a pickup required after your initial trip. Providing an estimated time window allows dispatch to coordinate all bookings throughout the day to effectively schedule all pickups and drop offs in a timely manner.
Riders may call 705-446-1196 to arrange a pickup after their initial trip, however an immediate pickup may not be available based upon current demand.
TransitPLUS will Service all areas within the municipal boundaries of Collingwood and Wasaga Beach. In Clearview Township, service will be limited to only the areas currently serviced by Clearview Transit.
Please call 705-446-1196 to ask about availability for services in an around the Blue Mountain Link service area.
The Red Cross will still be completing trips that require travel outside of the boundaries of Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, and Clearview Township. Please continue to call 705-721-3313 to book rides out of area if needed.
As mandated by the AODA, municipalities that provide conventional transit services are required to provide specialized transit services during the same hours and for the same fare in the jurisdiction in which both services operate. At this time, service will be maintained during the same hours as public transit.
TransitPlus fares are cash only at this time. Exact change is required.
The first phase of On-Demand Transit services launched on Saturday June 10, 2023. Phase 1 operates on weekends only. A review after launching will be completed with the goal of adding weekday evening service to the On Demand model in Phase 2 - timing to be confirmed.
On Demand transit is a transit service without a fixed schedule or itinerary. It’s a transit service where the busses are scheduled based on the rider demand – and not the other way around! By requesting and booking your rides in advance, the system knows where to go to efficiently meet the demand at each moment in time.
The first phase of on demand transit will only be available using the existing bus stops on the Colltrans East, West, and Crosstown Routes.
The Blue Mountain Link will remain on a fixed service at all times and continue on a regular schedule.
Regular transit fares still apply, however it is free to download and book rides with the app!
Not at this time. On Demand transit service is available on weekends during the phase 1 of the Collingwood On Demand Pilot Project. Current conventional transit schedules will continue during the week until further notice.
On Demand transit must be booked in advance in order for the service to work properly and efficiently. Trips can be booked up to 7 days in advance to 30 minutes before your requested ride. Once booked and confirmed, the bus will pick up and drop off at existing bus stop locations in Town.
You can request an On Demand transit ride in 3 different ways:
- Using the Blaise App. Download the app for free on your smartphone or tablet with iOS or Android.
- Online via the Blaise website.
- By phone at 705-446-1196
- Download the Blaise Transit mobile app.
- Sign up or log in.
- Select Collingwood as your transit operator.
- Book a ride:
- Enter your origin and destination locations.
- Select your departure or arrival time.
- Submit your trip.
The majority of ridership on the Blue Mountain Link (B-LINK) is from Downtown to the Village and this bus regularly operates like an express service. This route will continue to run on a regular schedule between the Collingwood Transit Terminal and The Blue Mountain Village Resort to provide the best service.
Colltrans, the Town of Collingwood's public transit system, provides a convenient alternative to driving within Collingwood. There are three regularly scheduled transit routes and the frequency of pickup at the terminal is every sixty minutes. The Colltrans terminal is located on the corner of Second Street and Pine Street adjacent to the municipal parking lot at 100 Pine Street. Currently the terminal is located outdoors and has two shelters as well as public washroom facilities.
Do you have a request for a stop or shelter? Visit Stop and Shelter Design Guidelines to learn about the selection process.