Short-Term Accommodation Licensing Program

Short-term accommodation (“STA”) means the use of a dwelling unit, or any part thereof, as a home occupation that is operating or offering a place of temporary residence, lodging, or occupancy by way of concession, permit, lease, licence, rental agreement or similar commercial arrangement for any period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days or less, throughout all or any part of a calendar year. STA does not mean or include a hotel, motel, or similar commercial accommodation use, but does include a bed and breakfast.

On November 6, 2023, Council approved a phased implementation of the STA Licensing Program and the STA Licensing By-law 2023-085 (“Licensing By-law 2023-085”) to licence and regulate STAs in Collingwood. The Licensing By-law 2023-085 and Phase 1 of the Licensing Program came into effect on February 1, 2024.

In Collingwood, it is prohibited to use a dwelling unit or any part of one as a STA, with the exception of a bed and breakfast. Under Phase 1, all bed and breakfasts must obtain a “Class A—Guest Room STA” Licence to operate. It's important to note that all other types of STAs remain prohibited during Phase 1.

Explore the details and resources below to learn more about the application process, licensing requirements, and how this initiative will shape the future of STAs in Collingwood. Together, let’s create a vibrant, responsible, and welcoming community for everyone who calls Collingwood home or chooses to visit this beautiful Town!

Town-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment

On November 6, 2023, Council directed staff to proceed with a Town-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment to support the introduction of other types of STAs beyond bed and breakfasts.

Take notice that a public meeting on the proposed Town-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment occurred during the regular Council meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. For more information and to view updates on the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, please visit the Town’s STA Engage Page at

Apply for your Short-Term Accommodation Licence by following the steps outlined below. 

This interactive map shows the status of short-term accommodation applications and licences within the Town. The map includes specific details regarding the short-term accommodation, including the licence number and address, as well as the name and contact details of the Responsible Person. Please note that this information is constantly being updated and may not reflect recent submissions.

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The creation of Collingwood’s STA Licensing Program was a thorough and inclusive process that involved multiple stages of extensive policy review and development. The initiative included two public consultations, inviting valuable input and perspectives on STAs from our residents and stakeholders. Several staff reports were presented to Council, ensuring that every aspect of the STA policy development was meticulously considered and aligned with the needs and values of the community. This section details the steps taken in the formulation of the STA Licensing Program.