Register for Online Services: Planning Applications, Building Permits, or Dog Tags
The Public Portal provides 24/7 service to provide electronic planning proposals, building permits, and dog tags.
Registration also provides the ability to search for properties.
Below are the steps to register:
- From the Portal Home page, click on Register in the top right corner.
- Enter your email address. This will be your Login ID.
- Create a password and re-enter to confirm. Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters long.
- Click “Next Step” and complete the remaining contact information fields.
- Ensure to complete the "I am not a robot" field at the end by entering the characters you see in the image and clicking submit.
- Once you complete these steps, you will receive an email to confirm your account. Click on the link with the message to validate your account.
- You can now sign into the web portal and begin to submit planning proposals and forms, permits, service requests or by-law cases, or dog tags.
Registered users can submit a by-law complaint, apply for a building or burn permit, pay for a permit, request an inspection, request a compliance letter for a real estate closing, check on planning applications and search for a property.
Access all your associated submissions from the drop-down menu titled "My Items".
Here is a link to the help pages regarding Online Services.
Document Details
Application Forms
Animal Control, Building Services, Business, Engineering Services, Planning Services