Register for Online Services: Planning Applications, Building Permits, or Dog Tags

The Public Portal provides 24/7 service to provide electronic planning proposals, building permits, and dog tags. 

Registration also provides the ability to search for properties.

Below are the steps to register: 

  1. From the Portal Home page, click on Register in the top right corner.
  2. Enter your email address. This will be your Login ID.
  3. Create a password and re-enter to confirm. Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters long. 
  4. Click “Next Step” and complete the remaining contact information fields.
  5. Ensure to complete the "I am not a robot" field at the end by entering the characters you see in the image and clicking submit.
  6. Once you complete these steps, you will receive an email to confirm your account. Click on the link with the message to validate your account. 
  7. You can now sign into the web portal and begin to submit planning proposals and forms, permits, service requests or by-law cases, or dog tags.  

Registered users can submit a by-law complaint, apply for a building or burn permit, pay for a permit, request an inspection, request a compliance letter for a real estate closing, check on planning applications and search for a property.

Access all your associated submissions from the drop-down menu titled "My Items".

Here is a link to the help pages regarding Online Services.