By-law Enforcement Customer Service Policy
Approved by Council on November 13, 2019 (Resolution 373-2019)
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to Staff, elected officials and the general public regarding by-law enforcement policies and practices in the receipt of complaints and initiation of investigation and enforcement proceedings related to regulatory by-laws of the Town of Collingwood.
Further, to ensure adequate resources to investigate all complaints, a By-law Enforcement Service Level Matrix has been approved by Council . This will assist By-law Enforcement Staff to prioritize the level of service for each Town by-law and required legislation. Click on the links below for more information:
The following provides further detail on our By-Law Enforcement Customer Service Policy
- By-law Staff will acknowledge the receipt of a valid By-law complaint to the complainant no later than 1 business day (“next business day”).
- The complainant will be provided with an overview of the next steps and when to expect a response on the status of their concerns.
- The complainant will be provided a case number to reference in future correspondences with By-law Staff.
- By-law Staff will communicate to the complainant that some by-law matters will take a lengthy time before being resolved and may be deemed a civil matter in some instances.
Patrol Service Level is a high priority investigation on matters that are highly likely to pose an immediate and substantial health & safety risk to any member of the public in Collingwood.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- An unsafe building
- An unsafe living condition
- An unsafe tree
- An unsecure pool
- Health and safety complaint related to a licensed business
- Nuisance (if life safety could be affected)
High Priority Response Protocol:
- By-law Staff will respond immediately
- Staff will be called in as needed to deal with a concern
- Priority continues at high until life safety issue has been mitigated
- Once life safety concerns dealt with, issue may be downgraded to medium priority call if further response is required.
- After-hours response may be required.
A Proactive service level is a medium priority investigation on matters that have a potential to pose a moderate, indirect or cumulative negative impact to our community and the environment; there are no immediate life safety concerns.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Excessive noise
- Nuisance (annoyance but no life safety threat)
- Vermin or insects in rental dwelling
- Stagnant water
- Graffiti
- Shrubs/trees overgrown from private property onto sidewalk
- Drainage and grading issues
- Zoning by-law violations
Medium Priority Response Protocol
- Staff will acknowledge the complainant's concerns within 1 business day
- Start will commence investigation within 1-3 business days
- After-hours response may be approved
- By-law Staff shifts may be altered to allow for investigative purposes
A Reactive service level is a low priority investigation on matters that are unlikely to cause health & safety issues to public; negative impact community, environment or are a minor threat to residents, visitors or businesses and are purely regulatory in nature; no intent, history or life safety concerns.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Parking violation (not within a fire route or accessible parking)
- Regulatory licensing enforcement (taxi sign damaged, vehicle numbers not clearly visible)
- Poop and scoop
- Mobile sign
- Idling vehicle
Low Priority Response Protocol
- Staff will acknowledge the complainant's concerns within 1 business day
- Start will commence investigation within 1-5 business days
- After-hours response will not be approved
- MLEO shifts will not be altered for investigative purposes