The By-law Services Division is committed to making Collingwood a great place to live, work, and play. Town by-laws establish standards that enhance community safety, foster positive community interactions, and enhance the overall quality of life.
The By-law Services Division enforces over 40 regulatory by-laws and community standards as well as several provincial statutes, including the Municipal Act, the Building Code Act, the Highway Traffic Act, the Dog Owner's Liability Act and the Provincial Offences Act, among others. The Division also administers all aspects of the Town's School Crossing Guard Program, the Coyote Management Plan and the Short-Term Accommodation Licensing Program.
The By-law Services Division is responsible for delivering service in four key areas:
Click below for a list of our most frequently requested by-laws:
By-law Complaint Submission
If you would like to report a possible by-law violation, please use one of the following methods:
- Online: Using the Public Portal
- Email:
- Phone: 705-445-1030
- In Person: At Town Hall, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
By registering on the Public Portal, you can track the status of your complaint in real time.
Please Note: In order to investigate your concerns/complaints properly, please provide us with the following information:
- Your first and last name,
- Your address,
- Your phone number, and
- The Collingwood address where the issue is or has taken place. (If it is for a vacant lot, please provide a detailed description of the location).
Unless permitted by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, or required as a result of disclosure, your personal information will be kept confidential. Should the matter proceed to court, it may be necessary for you to attend court as a witness to the violation.
Anonymous complaints will not be investigated unless potential safety, health or liability issues are identified.