Fees & Charges
A detailed list of fees for various Town services, broken down to very specific items ranging from property inspection fees to waste management fees and many more can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
The Finance Department provides accounting services, reports, analysis, and guidance to Council, the Public, and Town Departments regarding the financial operations of the Town. Calculation, billing, and collecting of Municipal Taxes are also carried out by the Finance Department.
Treasury - Frequently Asked Questions
The assessed value of your property is determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Please contact MPAC for further information or inquiries. MPAC Contact information: Phone: 1-866-296-6722 Fax: 1-866-297-6703 Web: www.mpac.ca Email: enquiry@mpac.ca
Yes, you can file a Request for Reconsideration through the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Forms are available at the Tax Department, Town Hall 97 Hurontario Street or you can obtain them from MPAC’s website at www.mpac.ca.
MPAC Contact information:
Phone: 1-866-296-6722
Fax: 1-866-297-6703
Web: www.mpac.ca
Email: enquiry@mpac.ca
You may enroll in our pre-authorized payment plan at any time and have the choice to pay monthly or as each installment becomes due. To do so, complete and sign the Authorization Certificate and attach an unsigned blank cheque marked void for the account you wish to use for withdrawal purposes. Ensure that all signing officers for that account sign the form and mail or deliver the form to:
Town of Collingwood
P.O. Box 157
97 Hurontario St.
Collingwood, ON L9Y 3Z5
If you have more than one tax address, please complete a separate form for each property.
Property taxes in Collingwood are due on the third Friday of February, May, August and October.
2023: February 17, May 19, August 18, October 20
Please contact the Tax Department if you have not received a tax bill by the end of January for the first installment or the end of July for the second installment.
Property taxes are made up of three elements.
Education taxes: This rate is set by the Province of Ontario, and collected by your municipality. The monies collected are remitted to your district school board.
County of Simcoe taxes: This rate is based on the annual budget and tax levy set by County Council. County Council is made up of the Mayors and Deputy Mayors from the 16 member municipalities. The County provides a number of services to its member municipalities, including Collingwood, such as waste collection, ambulance service and social services.
Municipal taxes: The tax rate for your municipal services is set by Council's adoption of the annual budget and relate to the services provided by the municipality, such as roads, recreation, special events and by-law enforcement
If you no longer own the property, please contact the Tax Department to report the change of ownership.
Please advise the Tax Department in writing of any address changes.
On a residential property tax bill, you will be able to see which school board your property tax supports by looking at the Class section:
- RTEP: Residential English Public
- RTFP: Residential French Public
- RTES: Residential English Separate
- RTFS: Residential French Separate
You can obtain an application to change your school support from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) website at www.mpac.ca. For further inquiries please contact MPAC.
MPAC Contact information:
Phone: 1-866-296-6722
Fax: 1-866-297-6703
Web: www.mpac.ca
Email: enquiry@mpac.ca
The Town of Collingwood has several options for paying your property tax bill.
- NEW! Sign in and pay online by credit card with Virtual Town Hall
- In person, at Town Hall by cash, cheque and debit.
- Through our after-hours drop box at Town Hall by cheque.
- Telephone or online banking, using the Tax Roll number as the account number.
- Pre-authroized Payment Plans (More information and forms for Pre-authroized Payment Plans)
- Please note: the Town of Collingwood will charge a fee of $41.00 to the tax account to cover the charge of processing any returned payment.
- Option 1: Paymet on regular due dates
- Option 2: 10 monthly payments for accounts not in arrears
- Option 3: If you account is in arrears please contact the Town of Collingwood Tax Department to discuss pre-authorized payment options at 705-445-1030
- Please note: the Town of Collingwood will charge a fee of $41.00 to the tax account to cover the charge of processing any returned payment.
- In person at Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
- After hours via our drop box, located at Town Hall (please do not deposit cash).
- Anytime via online or telephone banking.
If you have questions about your property taxes, please call 705-445-1030 Ext. 3625.
If your pre-authorized payment plan is the due date installment plan, you will receive a bill to inform you how much will be deducted from your bank account on the due date. The bill should indicated that you are on a pre-authorized payment plan. If it does not, please contact the Tax Department at 705-445-1030 Ext. 3625.
If your pre-authorized payments are withdrawn monthly, you will only receive a bill at the end of the year.
If you receive a bill and you believe that your mortgage company should be paying your property taxes, then we have no record of your mortgage company on your account. Contact your bank for instructions and request that they contact us to record their details on your account. To avoid penalty being applied to the account, you should contact your bank as soon as you are aware of the error.
A tax reciept is mailed out at the end of the year stamped PAID IN FULL once we have received all the funds from your mortgage company.
The 19 digit number required by online/telephone banking is your tax roll number and can be found on your tax bill. The last four zeros are not required.
Yes. A penalty for late payment of 1.25% per month is added the first day of each calendar month. Payments on account are first applied towards the interest and penalties, then towards the oldest outstanding taxes.
Tax Class Codes
- C1* - Farmland awaiting Development - Commericial
- CTN - Commercial Taxable
- CUN - Commercial Excess Land
- CXN - Commercial Vacant Land
- DTN - Office Taxable
- DUN - Office Excess Land
- EN - Exempt
- FT* - Farmland
- GTN - Parking Taxable
- ITN - Industrial Taxable
- IUN - Industrial Excess Land
- IXN - Industrial Vacant Land
- JTN - New Industrial
- JUN - New Industrial Excess Land
- KTN - New Large Industrial Taxable
- KUN - New Large Industrial Excess Land
- LTN - Large Industrial Taxable
- LUN - Large Industrial Excess Land
- MT* - Multi-Residential
- NT* - New Multi-Residential
- PTN - Pipeline Taxable
- R1* - Farmland Awaiting Development - Residential
- RT* - Residential
- STN - Shopping Centre Taxable
- SUN - Shopping Centre Excess Land
- TT* - Managed Forest
- XTN - New Commercial
- XUN - New Commercial Excess Land
- YTN - New Office Building
- YUN - New Office Building Excess Land
- ZTN - New Shopping Centre
- ZUN - New Shopping Centre Excess Land
*School Support
- EP - English Public
- FP - French Public
- ES - English Separate
- FS - French Separate
- N - No Support
If the home or building on your property has been demolished either due to fire or redevelopment, you may file a 357 application for a possible reduction in your property taxes.