If you’re applying for a building permit or site plan approval, the following information will help you prepare the fire safety documents you need to submit to the Town.
This information includes many of the common fire safety systems, designs and hazards identified during a construction project, however, this is not a complete list.
If your building permit application includes fire alarm systems, you’ll need to provide:
- System descriptions (for example, single or two-stage, conventional versus addressable)
- Design specifications
- Floor plans showing device layout and equipment control
- Typical fire alarm details and schematics (for example, isolation details)
- Indication of new, existing and relocated devices
- Single line/riser diagram and wiring method
- Sequence of operation and system function
- Zone schedule
- Voice communication information (one-way versus two-way)
If your building permit application includes sprinkler systems, you’ll need to provide:
- A signed copy of the owner’s certificate. This is to be submitted in addition to the Letter of Use.
- When required, hydraulic calculations based on up-to-date fire hydrant flow test information (conducted within past 12 months)
- For major alterations and new systems, fully detailed sprinkler drawings and hydraulic calculations conforming to the ‘Plans and Calculations’ chapter of NFPA 13
- For minor alterations, enough detail of the existing systems to make all existing conditions clear. This includes showing the location of new, relocated and deleted sprinkler heads and associated piping.
- Note that depending on the scope of the changes, hydraulic calculations may be required
- For new tenants in existing buildings, details of the new operations and the existing sprinkler system design criteria
When altering the storage in an existing building (new or existing tenant), full details on what’s being stored with floor plans showing the location, configuration, height. Identify the design criteria of the existing sprinkler system.
Indication if flexible hoses or flexible sprinkler drops are to be used (the use of flexible hoses or sprinkler drops in place of hard piping will require out to submit hydraulic calculations)
If your building permit application includes a kitchen fire suppression system, you’ll need to provide:
- The name of the manufacturer
- A list of all system components (for example, nozzle types, tanks, releasing equipment)
- The dimensions of all cooking appliances (for example, height, width, diameter)
- Documentation that the installer (if known) is authorized by the suppression system manufacturer to install the system
If your building permit application includes a dust collector system, you’ll need to provide:
- The dust collector location (for example, indoor, outdoor, floor plan)
- Whether it’s re-circulating or non-re-circulating
- Details for explosion prevention and explosion venting systems
- A site plan drawing showing the explosion vent discharge
- Fireball calculations
- Full details on the dust collector (listing, materials/equipment schedule, equipment specifications) and ducting
- All code required system interlocks
- Ventilation rates and air velocities
If your building permit application includes a standpipe and hose system, you’ll need to provide:
- When required, hydraulic calculations based on up-to-date fire hydrant flow test information (conducted within the past 12 months)
- For major alterations and new systems, fully detailed drawings and hydraulic calculations conforming to the ‘Plans and Calculations’ chapter of NFPA 14.
- For minor alterations, enough detail of the existing systems to make all existing conditions clear. This includes showing new, relocated and deleted standpipe hose connections and associated piping.
- Note that depending on the scope of the changes, hydraulic calculations may be required
If your building permit application includes backflow prevention that serves a fire protection system, you’ll need to provide:
- A site plan or key plan of the building that shows the location of the proposed backflow prevention devices
- Detailed drawings that indicate:
- Installation methods of the backflow prevention device
- Backflow prevention device valve specification with reference to the applicable CSA B64 standard
- The fire protection systems installed downstream of the backflow device
- Hydraulic calculations showing the new system demand calculated back to the point where the water supply information was obtained from
Note that hydraulic calculations are to be based on up-to-date fire hydrant flow test information, conducted within the past 12 months
If your building permit application includes an integrated testing plan, you’ll need to make sure:
- The integrated testing plan is submitted in accordance with CAN/ULC‑S1001
- Prepared by a licensed professional
If your building permit application includes electromagnetic locking devices, you'll need to provide:
- Floor plans indicating device locations and room labels (maglocks, maglock key switch, pull stations and emergency lighting)
- Elevation detail showing associated equipment, wiring and signage
- Wiring schematic drawing
- Sequence of operation and design notes, for example, OBC (a) through (k)
- Occupancy classification of areas to be served by proposed maglocks
If your building permit application includes the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids, you’ll need to provide:
- Full details of all materials to be stored, handled and processed complete with material safety data sheets, Ontario Fire Code classifications, quantities and container volumes
- Detailed description of process and operations
- Detailed information on exhaust and ventilation systems, fire protection systems and containment
- Details for explosion prevention and explosion venting systems
- A site plan drawing showing the explosion vent discharge
- Fireball calculations
If your building permit application includes emergency lighting, you’ll need to provide:
- A floor plan showing emergency lighting systems
- Indicate new, existing and relocated devices
- Details and specifications of inverters and battery packs
- For generators, details showing compliance with all applicable codes and standards and drawings showing location in building or on site
You will need to provide the following information, drawings and documents as part of your site plan application:
- Fire Route By-law and Ontario Building Code compliance (including but not limited to route location, gradient, construction material, overhead clearance, axial loads, centreline turning radii, obstructions to the fire route)
- Municipal address
- Ontario Building Code matrix
- Fire hydrant locations
- Fire department connection location
- Ground floor plan
- Elevation drawings depicting openings for fire fighter access (where applicable)