The Town of Collingwood's Growth and Development division is part of the Infrastructure department and is responsible for development review, traffic control, stormwater management and the coordination of master plans, such the Master Mobility and Transportation Plan and Master Servicing Plan.
Growth and Development also oversees the implementation and construction of development projects and provides technical review and support for the following land development processes:
- Reviewing engineering submissions
- Providing engineering conditions for development agreements
- Reviewing legal agreements
- Development standards
- Preparing financial security calculations
- Providing acceptance memos and assumption by-laws
- Overall project review, including construction site inspection and monitoring
- Lot grading inspections
- Fill permitting
Inquiries related to Growth and Development can be directed to:
Phone: 705-445-1030 ext. 4200
In-person: 545 Tenth Line, Collingwood, ON
The Town of Collingwood Development Standards provide guidance for the design and construction of municipal infrastructure. These Standards are updated from time-to-time. Consultants utilizing the Town Development Standards will need to ensure that their designs or the construction of works are being completed in accordance with the most current details. Please refer to the document below, which incorporates the amendments approved by Council in August 2022.
The removal or placement of fill within the Town of Collingwood is regulated by By-Law 2003-103. Outside of having an executed development agreement, the placement or removal of fill within the Town of Collingwood is prohibited unless the appropriate Fill Permit has been obtained.
Drawings required for permit application depend on the complexity of the project, but at a minimum shall include grading plans and erosion and sediment control plans. Reports required shall outline the quantity and quality of fill via a Fill Management Plan outlining the existing receiving site soil quality, the source site soil quality, trucking route, and entrance location. A "qualified person" determines if the fill is acceptable for the intended land use. If a Record of Site Condition (RSC) has been filed for the site, then the RSC dictates what fill is acceptable to the site.
Soil quality guidelines are outlined in the "Management of Excess Soil - A Guide for Best Management Practices", Ministry of the Environment, 2014.
If the subject site is within a Conservation Authority regulated area, a permit is required from both the Town and Conservation Authority.
Securities are to be provided for all items identified on the erosion and sediment control plan and items related to the placement of fill such as sediment ponds, rock check dams, silt fence, mud mat, etc. Securities must also be provided to restore the site in the event fill operations unexpectedly cease mid-way through. These amounts are typically the cost required to topsoil and seed all disturbed areas.
Fees for permits are as per the Fees and Service Charges By-Law (amended yearly).
Permits can be submitted:
- In Person: 545 Tenth Line, Collingwood, ON
- Mail: 97 Hurontario Street, PO Box 157, Collingwood ON L9Y 3Z5
- Email:
- Requiring $5,000 security or less - $373.00
- Requiring more than $5,000 security - $4,245.00
- Payment can be made in person at Town Hall or mailed to: 97 Hurontario Street, PO Box 157, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3Z5
Renewal or Transfer Costs:
- $128.00
- Payment can be made in person at Town Hall or mailed to: 97 Hurontario Street, PO Box 157, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3Z5
The Town of Collingwood collects traffic data on municipal roads. The most recent traffic counts were done in 2019 and are available by submitting a request to
Please note that updated information will be available upon the completion of the Master Mobility Transportation Plan that is currently in progress. To find out more about this plan, please visit its project page at Engage Collingwood.
There are many developments varying in size and complexity that are proposed in the Town of Collingwood, over the next few decades. The Town retained R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited to estimate the total traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed developments and the corresponding impacts on the Town's road network over the medium-term (2031) and long-term (2041). A total of 20 primary intersections in Town were assessed. For more information please refer to the following document:
Stormwater Management Ponds (SWMPs) are facilities designed to collect runoff from the local storm sewer system following either a rainfall or snowmelt event. SWMPs are built to temporarily hold this water, provide treatment to remove the pollutants, and then slowly release it back to our waterways.
The Town carries out maintenance of these ponds once they have been assumed through the development process.
Routine maintenance includes removal of debris in and around the pond; removal of poisonous vegetation; and maintenance of structures (i.e. gates, locks, valves etc.). The vegetation planted around the pond is dense and appropriate for the area. Aggressive weed control operations, including the use of pesticides, are not required. Grass cutting is not recommended for the ponds in order to maintain a natural environment.
Non-routine maintenance includes bank stabilization, structure repairs, and removal of excess sediment. A clean-out of the SWMP will be required approximately once every 10 to 20 years to remove accumulated sediment to ensure the pond continues to function as intended. Drainage of the SWMP will be required to facilitate the clean-out. Part of this clean-out involves soil sampling and testing to ensure proper disposal of the sediment removed.
For more information please refer to the following document:
The Town has completed a Master Servicing Plan for water and sanitary sewer systems to identify water and sanitary servicing projects that will be required to accomodate growth over the planning horizon, including residential and employment growth. For more information, please refer to the following documents:
To assess the capabilities of the existing stormwater infrastructure in the Town, Greenland International Consulting Ltd. was retained to complete an existing conditions Master Stormwater Management Model, consisting of the existing storm sewer drainage system and multiple watercourses that traverse the Town limits. For more information, please refer to the following documents:
The Town of Collingwood has commenced the second phase (Phase II) of the Stormwater Management Master Plan (SWMMP). The Plan will identify alternative solutions to address flooding issues within Collingwood and establish preferred solutions to effectively mitigate these flood issues. Updates can be found on the project's Engage Collingwood page.