Engineering Development Review

The Town of Collingwood's Growth and Development division is part of the Infrastructure department and is responsible for development review, traffic control, stormwater management and the coordination of master plans, such the Master Mobility and Transportation Plan and Master Servicing Plan. 

Growth and Development also oversees the implementation and construction of development projects and provides technical review and support for the following land development processes:

  • Reviewing engineering submissions
  • Providing engineering conditions for development agreements
  • Reviewing legal agreements
  • Development standards
  • Preparing financial security calculations
  • Providing acceptance memos and assumption by-laws
  • Overall project review, including construction site inspection and monitoring
  • Lot grading inspections
  • Fill permitting

Inquiries related to Growth and Development can be directed to: 

Phone: 705-445-1030 ext. 4200 
In-person: 545 Tenth Line, Collingwood, ON