
Community Based Strategic Plan (2024-2028)
The CBSP outlines the long-term vision and actions for the next four years. It guides Council's decisions on resource allocation and informs the budget process and future planning. The CBSP ensures the delivery of essential programs and services.
Programs and Services
Collingwood’s framework of its Programs and the Services that contribute to each Program provides a clear focus on exactly what the municipality is delivering and the outcomes it is seeking.
Official Plan
The Town's Official Plan informs the public about land use policies, ensures coordinated growth, helps the community understand land use, guides infrastructure development, establishes zoning bylaws, and resolves conflicting land uses.

Tourism Master Plan (2024)
The Tourism Master Plan, developed by Bannikin Travel & Tourism Ltd., guides Collingwood’s tourism actions. Vision for Tourism: Collingwood is a vibrant destination, known for art, culture, food & drink, and outdoor activities.
Shipyards Public Realm (2024)
The Plan aims to enhance the district's vibrancy and connectivity by linking the waterfront with downtown Collingwood. It focuses on creating a sense of place and emphasizes collaboration with stakeholders and ongoing community engagement.
Pollinator Protection Plan (2024)
In October 2019, Collingwood declared a climate crisis to protect its landscape. By 2021, it was designated a Bee City, showing its commitment to pollinator protection and biodiversity loss mitigation.
Affordable Housing Master Plan (2023)
The AHMP, informed by a data-driven process, includes 26 initiatives. It prioritizes impactful policy, process, and regulatory changes, and coordinates and advocates for affordable housing options, crucial for sustaining our community.
Greener Collingwood Climate Change Action Plan (2023)
The Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan aims to integrate climate change into the town's culture, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2019 levels by 2030, and become a leader in sustainability initiatives.
Asset Management Plan - Core Assets (2022)
The Asset Management Plan ensures municipal infrastructure management follows asset management practices, optimizes resources, and establishes service levels, serving as a strategic, tactical, and financial document.
Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan (2019-2024)
The Town of Collingwood has met the challenges of monitoring and reporting energy consumption as required by Ontario Regulation 507/18 and is driven to improve energy efficiency due to rising costs, energy security, and environmental concerns.
Collingwood Museum Strategic Plan (2020-2024)
The Collingwood Museum Strategic Plan is a guiding document for the Museum to achieve its mission to be a relevant and engaging resource of Collingwood's heritage and collective memory.
Economic Development Action Plan (2020-2025)
The Economic Development Action Plan is intended to help guide Collingwood's economic development activities and priorities for five year periods, with a focus on those action items over which the Town of Collingwood has direct control.
South Georgian Bay and Springwater Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (2021-2025)
The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan aims for a sustainable community where everyone is safe, belongs, and has opportunities to participate. It includes Clearview, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, and Springwater.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (2021-2025)
The Accessibility Plan developed by the AAC, complies with AODA, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and UN SDG #11. It aims to provide consistent opportunity and access to Town goods, services, and facilities for a
Parks, Recreation, & Culture Master Plan (2019)
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan identifies needs and priorities for the Town of Collingwood to the year 2028. This is a framework for well-being.
Waterfront Master Plan (2016)
The Waterfront Master Plan provides a long-term, comprehensive plan for the Town of Collingwood's waterfront, focusing on the area from Hen and Chickens Island to Sunset Point Park, where the majority of public spaces and mixed-use activity is located.
Active Transportation Framework (2017)
This framework aims to expand and enhance the active transportation network, encourage its use, build community support, and improve the community layout for active transportation and pedestrians.
Fire Protection Services Master Plan (2017)
This Plan allows for prudent operating and capital budget forecasting, and assists neighbouring municipalities through the provision of Automatic Aid and Fire Service Agreements.
Urban Forest Management Plan (2020-2030)
The Town values the urban forest for its environmental, social, aesthetic, and economic benefits. The Town is committed to sustainable management and community action to maintain and enhance this natural resource for future generations.
Cycling Plan (2019)
The Cycling Plan offers a long-term vision to develop and support a cycling culture. It identifies policies, programs, and facilities to make cycling an attractive mobility option for residents of all ages and abilities, while exploring cycling tourism op
Master Servicing Study (2019)
The Master Servicing Plan for Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems is used to identify water and sanitary servicing projects that will be required to accommodate growth over the planning horizon, including residential and employment growth.
Master Transportation Study (2019)
The study estimates the total traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed developments and the corresponding impacts on the Town's road network over the medium-term (2031) and long-term (2041).
Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Plan
Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Plan 2008 is the successor to Collingwood Downtown Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan 2002.
Transit Service Review (2021)
This reports presents an overview and analysis of the Collingwood Transit Service, CollTrans, and the Collingwood Blue Mountains Link, to identify opportunities to improve the service in the near term.
Urban Design Manual (2010)
The Urban Design Manual encourages the design of a sustainable built environment consistent with Collingwood's character and vision.
Transportation Study Update (2019)
This Transportation Study revises the 2012 Collingwood Transportation Study by C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd., assessing 16 intersections and considering traffic impacts for 2020 and 2030.
Stormwater Management Master Model (2022)
The Stormwater Management Master Model assess the Town's stormwater infrastructure, including the storm sewer system and watercourses within the Town limits.