NEW: Temporary Downtown Commercial Patio and Retail Display Program
Do you own a business located in the Downtown looking to install a patio or display your merchandise on the sidewalk?
The Town of Collingwood recently passed an updated Boulevard Encroachment Permit By-law that provides opportunity to businesses in the Downtown to install a patio on the sidewalk and/or on-street parking area and for retail businesses to display their merchandise on the sidewalk if a permit is obtained from the municipality. All permit holders are placed on a registry available below.
How do I obtain a permit?
Complete the required application form by clicking the button provided below.
Do you own a business in Collingwood looking to add or temporarily expand your patio on private property?
As of January 1, 2023, licensed patios require municipal approval to expand temporarily. Previously a municipal statement of non-objections was required by the AGCO. A team has been set up to review requests for extensions of patios on private property. This process involves the review of public safety, access, location, and other site-related matters.
Who can apply?
The owner or employee of a restaurant or bar can apply to temporarily extend their patio area on private property for a maximum of 8 months per year. Patio extensions are typically considered between April 1 and October 31 each year.
Written confirmation and authorization from the owner of the property (if different from the applicant).
A legible sketch/site plan/aerial photo of the proposed temporary patio (sketch details can be found in the Temporary Patio Guidelines).
The number and location of any parking spaces, as well as an indication if any loading/delivery/parking spaces are to be removed to facilitate the expansion or creation of a temporary outdoor patio. Note: accessible parking spaces shall not be temporarily removed.
A completed Temporary Patio Undertaking Form.
Any other documentation and supporting materials required to support the temporary patio application.
Please ensure that you review the following resources prior to applying for a patio or retail display permit.
What types of items are permitted to be displayed on a sidewalk?
Display of merchandise from the adjacent business including but not limited to clothing, goods for sale, etc.
Public art for display or sale available in the adjacent business
Fresh produce available in the adjacent business
What is required for me to display items on the sidewalk?
A permit is required to be obtain from the municipality. A sketch plan of the location you are wanting to display your merchandise is required, as well as an insurance certificate that names the Town of Collingwood as an additional insured. Items displayed along the curb are to be placed under a fire resistant tent. Please review the Temporary Downtown Commercial Patio and Retail Display Program standards for additional information.
When can I install my patio?
Tentative installation dates for 2023 sidewalk and on-street patios are the week of May 1 and is contingent on weather forecasting and completion of spring maintenance and inspection of the sidewalks and roadways.
Who is responsible for the installation of the patio?
The food establishment responsible for the patio is responsible for the installation of the patio, including fencing. The Town of Collingwood is responsible for the installation of any traffic barriers required for on-street patios.
Can I continue operating my patio after October 15?
Permits for winter patios are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Additional conditions will apply to permit holders that extend operations into the winter months. Please note that on-street patios are not permitted after October 15. Winter conditions are contained within the sample permit provided and include requirements for winter maintenance to a standard agreed upon by Public Work which is to include but not be limited to the removal of snow in and around the encroachment area, salting/sanding of the encroachment area, use of portable heaters. The Town will not be held responsible for any damages that may result from conducting winter maintenance.
Can I use a portable heater on my patio?
The use of portable heaters must meet the TSSA guidelines, and an inspection is required by Fire Services prior to their use. For more information on the use of portable heaters, contact
Can I build a structure or enclosure my temporary outdoor patio?
If your outdoor patio incorporates additional structures like a raised platform, you may require a building permit, and there may be zoning rules that prevent or regulate a structure or enclosure on a patio. There are also provincial Building Code regulations, fire safety regulations, and public health regulations that must be considered.
How long can I operate my temporary patio?
Temporary patios may only operate for a maximum of eight months per calendar year.
Can I operate a patio year-round?
A new permanent outdoor patio may require Site Plan Control application. While Town staff will work with the applicant to process the application expediently, a more detailed review of the application and a fee will be required. Please contact Planning staff to discuss the proposal.
I had a temporary patio last year; do I need to apply again?
Yes, you need to apply each year to temporarily extend your patio. However, if there are no changes to your patio, staff may be able to expedite your review. Please indicate you are applying for a renewal on your application form.
What if the temporary patio area is larger than the restaurant and/or existing patio area?
A temporary patio larger than the existing restaurant and/or patio area may be permitted and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The Town reserves the right to limit the capacity of the temporary outdoor patio as a condition of approval based on site specific considerations (i.e. such as the availability of sufficient parking).
Patios and Retail Displays located on the sidewalk or on-street parking areas:
Town of Collingwood - Clerk Services Becky Dahl, Deputy Clerk PO Box 157, 97 Hurontario St, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 3Z5 | 705-445-1030