Town of Collingwood Council is made up of nine members: Mayor, Deputy Mayor and seven Councillors who are elected at-large, meaning they are voted in and represent the whole municipality and responsibilities are not divided into wards. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and an alternative Council member also sit on County Council at the County of Simcoe. For more information on Collingwood Council please visit our Council Representation webpage.
Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Council Meetings are held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood and via Videoconference, as may be permitted. Meetings are generally held on Mondays, unless it is a public holiday, with Council - Committee of the Whole on the first and third Mondays of the month and Council - In-camera on the second and fourth Mondays as required. Meetings generally begin at 2:00 pm, unless noted otherwise on an agenda.
To view and search upcoming meeting dates, meeting agendas and minutes, please visit our Meeting Agendas and Minutes page.
Council meetings are live-streamed and recorded. To watch in real-time and follow along with the agenda, please visit our "Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes" page using the button above. For a side-by-side view of the agenda and live-stream video, please click on the HTML version of the agenda for the respective meeting.
Livestreaming and past meeting recordings are also available on the Town's YouTube Channel.
Update: Town of Collingwood Council meetings held on Mondays may also be viewed on Rogers TV cable 53 or online at Due to a recent dificult decision to reduce the size of operations at the Eastern Canada station, Rogers tv will only be airing the following Council meetings:
Monday, November 4 at 2pm
Monday December 2 at 2pm
Share feedback with Council
There are three ways to provide input and share feedback with Town Council. When providing presentation materials or correspondence to be added to an agenda or to form part of a deputation to Council, it is important to ensure the materials are accessible. For more information, please review the following link: Link coming soon!
It is important to note personal information included in correspondence and deputations may become part of the public record and included in the agenda package.
Decorum dictates respect for all opinions and individuals are reminded there is zero tolerance for coarse language and inappropriate behaviour.
Not comfortable in speaking at a Council meeting? Submit your comments for Council consideration at
By submitting your correspondence to, your correspondence will be posted to the next available agenda for Council’s consideration. Should your matter be urgent and the agenda the matter pertains to has already been published to the internet, your correspondence will be circulated to Council prior to the meeting for their consideration.
If you would like to speak or make a presentation to Council or a Committee or Board, please review the Rules of Procedure Excerpt for Delegations included in the Procedural By-law and complete the online form provided in the below link:
It is important to note that there is a maximum of two pre-registered deputations permitted at each Council meeting, unless otherwise approved, with 10 minutes allotted for each deputation.
During the Committee of the Whole portion of a Council meeting, the public has an opportunity to speak to any staff report that is listed on the Agenda and/or provide an unregistered deputation to the Committee. You are permitted five minutes to speak, with the option of participating in-person or virtually using the link to the zoom meeting provided in the agenda package. No presentation materials are permitted during this commenting period.
Comments provided are summarized into the minutes of the meeting and become part of the public record. The meeting minutes reflect the names of anyone who has provided verbal comments during this Public Comment Period.
Other Council Related Items
Council has established a number of Advisory Committees and Boards. While Boards are generally administered through legislation, Advisory Committees of Council do not make decisions but rather make recommendations to Council for consideration.
Interested in becoming a member? Recruitment to Advisory Committees is held every year with applications accepted the month of February. Board memberships run with the term of Council, expiring November 15, 2026 or until Board vacancies are filed. Stay tuned for more information!
Council is required to abide by the Code of Conduct as well as the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act with respect to how they conduct themselves both in a meeting and when conducting business on behalf of the municipality. The Declaration of Conflicts and Pecuniary Interest Registry is available on the Meeting Agendas and Minutes page for declarations provided on or after September 9, 2024 with all other registered declarations available upon request at
Coming soon! Attendance and voting records will be provided allowing you to view what meetings an elected official has attended and how they voted on a specific item considered at a Council meeting.
A General Correspondence List includes items considered as bulk communications not specific to the Town of Collingwood and is of a general nature and are not included in a meeting's Consent Agenda. These often include correspondence and resolutions received from other municipalities that are seeking action to be taken from an upper level of government or information on programs and services being offered by another municipality or government body.
The following correspondence has been received by the Town of Collingwood in the past 30 days:
This list provides a glimpse of what's coming to a future Committee of the Whole and/or Council meeting. By providing this list in advance of an agenda being published, council and the public are better able to stay informed of what is coming up for discussion, ask questions of staff in advance to a meeting and submit a formal deputation request before the deadline. This list is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. Updates to this list will be published on a bi-weekly basis.
Disclaimer: All Council Agendas, Minutes, Reports and By-laws available on this website have been posted for the purpose of reference only and are not certified true copies. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The Town of Collingwood does not warrant or make any representation as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, and other items contained on its web pages, nor will the Town be liable or responsible for damages of any kind arising out of the use of electronic information. You may obtain certified true copies by attending the Clerk's Department at 97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood. You are encouraged to call ahead at 705-445-1030 or email with any questions and to ensure a Commissioner of Oaths is available.