Promotional Opportunities
Here are some ways the Town can support or recognise your organization/business:
Free Opportunities
Celebrate Your Business Program - Request the Town of Collingwood Branded Celebration Kit and Invite the Mayor and Council
We'd like to share your business milestones! Whether it's a new business opening, a business expansion , or an anniversary, each milestone your business achieves is deserving of recognition and will inspire the businesses around you in this great community we have chosen to call home. Our Celebration Kit is available on request to book and includes branded ribbon and 30″ branded scissors. If you would like the Mayor or her designate to attend your celebration, use the link below to fill out the form and the Office of the Mayor will be happy to arrange that.
Request the Mayor and/or Celebratory Kit
- Informational Business Tour: Do you have an existing business in Collingwood and would like to invite members of Council to tour your business premises? Please email DoBusiness@Collingwood.ca to connect with the Economic Development team and schedule an opportunity.
- Invite the Mayor and Members of Council to your significant event - The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and members of Council regularly attend events, official openings, ribbon-cutting ceremonies, speaking engagements, and photo opportunities.
Individuals and organizations wishing to invite the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, or members of Council to an event must first submit a formal request in writing to the Office of the Mayor.
Invite the Mayor and Members of Council to your significant event
- Congratulatory Certificates are issued to residents or organizations in Collingwood recognizing milestones and events such as birthdays, weddings, business anniversaries, and retirements.
Congratulatory Certificate Request Form
- Request a Letter of Welcome, Support, or Congratulations - A Letter of Welcome, Support, or Congratulations from the Mayor may be requested by groups, organizations, businesses, or individuals requiring an advocate. Letters from the Mayor may be used for printed or display purposes and are issued to groups, organizations, and businesses located or hosting events in the Town of Collingwood.
Request a Letter of Welcome, Support, or Congratulations
Public Awareness Campaigns and Proclamations (including flag raising and clocktower lighting)
This policy sets out the Town of Collingwood's approach to requests for support of public awareness campaigns, including proclamations, lighting of the Town Hall clock tower, and flag raisings. The policy also includes flag protocol and etiquette for the flying of flags on Town property, and on the Community Flag Pole.
Public Awareness Campaigns & Proclamations Request Form
- Submit your Important Event or Day to our online Calendar - The Town's Events and Important Dates Calendar is a great place to help Collingwood residents and visitors learn about your upcoming event or important day! Your event or important day must meet certain criteria to be eligible for promotion on the Town's calendar. To view the criteria, select the Submit an Event button/link below.
Events and Important Days Calendar
- Book the Town Hall North Window Display - Community / Non-Profit organizations may book the window display on the north side of the entrance to Town Hall free of charge for the promotion of events/campaigns/causes happening in Collingwood. Event submission criteria for the website calendar would also apply to the window bookings. The bookings are in two-week increments (Monday to Monday), and may be booked by contacting Service Collingwood at 705-445-1030 or email service@collingwood.ca.
Paid Opportunities
- Book the Municipal Entrance Event Signs (4 locations available)

Town of Collingwood Municipal Entrance Event Signs advertising space is available for a) events put on by non-profit organisations and b) fundraising events and festivals happening within the Town of Collingwood for the purpose of promoting Town-wide events and tourism. A maximum of 2 bookings, each booking being not more than 14 days in total, per event, is permitted per year. **There is a cost to having the signs made and installed. Please refer to the application for more information and contact Park Sign with installation/sign questions: info@parksign.com
Municipal Entrance Event Sign Application
Partner Opportunities
- There are several other organizations that offer support with promoting events, not-for-profit organizations and businesses. Please contact the Economic Development Team at dobusiness@collingwood.ca for more information.