Cycling & E-bikes

Since all trails in Collingwood are multi-use trails, at any time you may encounter hikers, bikers, dog walkers, inline skaters, runners, and others. In order to provide a safe environment for all users, it is critical that all users be courteous and “Share the Trail” – and for cyclist please ensure that you control your speed. Please remember that motorized vehicles are prohibited on the Collingwood Trails with the exception of personal mobility devices and a specific type of E-Bike.

E-bikes are allowed on the trail when the following provisions are met:
a) It is similar in appearance to a standard bicycle.
b) It has steering handlebars and is equipped with pedals
c) It is engaged by the use of muscular power and equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the electric bicycle reaches 32kph. These E-bikes are commonly referred to as a “Pedelecs” or “Pedal Assisted bicycles, or Class 1 E-bikes.

A huge variety of E-bikes and alternative electric vehicles are becoming widely available in the marketplace. If you are looking to purchase one of these vehicles and wish to find out if they are allowed on the trail network and your local roads, please contact Customer Service at 705-445-1030 or by email