Parks & Facility Booking

The Town's Parks, Recreation & Culture Department offers a variety of parks and facility rental options. When planning your next special event, consider one of our parks, arenas, meeting rooms or sports fields.

NEW! Use our online booking tool to review facility availability and submit a rental request for select spaces. Stay tuned for additional facilities to be bookable online.

Online Booking Tool

For assistance or other facility rentals and inquiries, please contact Customer Service by phone at 705-445-1030 Ext.3382, or by email

Aquatic Centre

starting blocks at centennial aquatic centre

The Centennial Aquatic Centre offers various programs outlined by Lifesaving Society standards. We offer public swims, Aquafit, lane swims, Learn to Swim lessons, Lifesaving Leadership courses and First Aid & Standard CPR.  Party rentals are not available at this time.


Indoor hockey arena

Book Online

Awen' Gathering Place

Awen' Gathering Place display, with sunset in the background

  • The Awen’ Gathering Place is a space along the Collingwood waterfront to recognize the First Nations presence in South Georgian Bay and to create opportunities for engagement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples while fostering reconciliation through education and conversation. 
  • As an outdoor space, the Awen’ Gathering Place is available free of charge to the community for ceremonies, celebrations, teachings, contemplation and other peaceful and respectful gatherings.
  • The Awen’ is made use by the Town of Collingwood for events and gatherings but is meant to be used informally by the community.
  • There is no booking of the space or rental fee, however we ask that you adhere to the terms of use of the space.

Collingwood Museum & Station Grounds

Front entrance of the Collingwood Museum

Make your event one to remember at the Collingwood Museum! Our indoor and outdoor spaces are perfect for workshops and meetings, special events, family and friend gatherings and more!

Collingwood Curling Club

Collingwood Curling Club, a brown brick building

Meeting & Party Rooms

Meeting room filled with black chairs and a single podium

Parks & Greenspaces

A group of cyclists on a trail alongside the Collingwood Terminals Limited grain elevator

Sports Fields and Courts

Outdoor baseball diamond

Fields become playable upon drying enough to avoid damage in the spring, as determined by the Manager of Parks. Most goals and nets are typically installed sometime in early May, and removed in October, however these times are all weather dependent.

Simcoe Street Theatre

Rental Fees

Rental fees are dependent on location, time of use, and degree of public access among other factors. Please see our Fees & Charges listing for a full breakdown of fees.

Special Event Permits

For the purposes of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department of the Town of Collingwood, a special event will be defined as a one-time or infrequently occurring event outside normal programs or activities of the organizing body and/or host facility. All special events taking place on municipal property require a Special Event permit. There are specific timelines which must be adhered to if your event is to be approved and issued a Special Event permit. Please see the Special Events Permit Application and Municipal Alcohol Policy for full details.