Our Customer Service Ambassadors are committed to providing a positive experience to our customers.
We commit to the following service standards for all requests that are directed to our team via the following channels below:
- Services Counter: we aim for wait times to be less than 10 minutes, unless advised otherwise.
- Phone: Our Ambassadors are available by phone at 705-445-1030, press 0 at the beginning of the phone menu or if you reach a staff member voicemail to be redirected to customer service. Our Customer Service Ambassadors aim to answer calls live, however voicemail will be returned within 1 business day.
- Email & Online: messages sent to service@collingwood.ca or using our online Service Collingwood Portal are acknowledged within 2 business days with further information following as required.
- Mail & Fax: mail and fax correspondence is monitored daily Monday to Friday. Queries are forwarded to the expert department to be processed.
- Social Media: responses to input and questions posted on our Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter) are on a best effort basis. It is recommended that citizens requesting a response use one of the other available contact methods.
Customer Service Ambassadors are available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Customer Service Standards Policy
- We will work to ensure our services are accessible for all of our customers
- Residents and visitors may request an accessible format or communication support for services, programs or documents
- We are committed to promoting inclusivity and equity in Collingwood. We believe residents, staff and visitors should be treated with dignity and respect.
Respectful Workplace:
The Town of Collingwood is committed to providing a work environment that strives to ensure that all members of the Town's workplace community are treated with dignity and respect during their workplace interactions. Employees, members of council, citizen members of committees/task forces and volunteers acting on behalf of the Town of Collingwood are entitled to, and are expected to contribute to, a workplace that is free from any form of discrimination, violence, or harassment. No form of discrimination, violence or harassment will be tolerated.
Staff have the right to work in an environment that is free from abuse or harassment. Threatening, intimidating or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Discrimination, Violence and Harassment Free Workplace Policy
Building Department Service Standards
By-Law Customer Service Policy
Do you have a compliment or complaint? We would like to know!
Please take a moment to provide your feedback. Please indicate in the comments if you would like to be contacted further about this feedback or have an unresolved concern that you need assistance with.