Lobbyist Registry

About the Registry The Lobbyist Registry came into effect in January 20, 2020 and forms part of the Town of Collingwood's Accountability and Transparency framework. It is an online tool that documents instances of substantive communication, such as telephone calls, meetings, or e-mails between those who lobby and Members of Town Council or Town staff in a centralized database that is easy to access and search by the public and interested stakeholders.

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Why should I register? Lobbying is a legitimate activity that benefits not only lobbyists, but public office holders and members of the public as well. The benefits of lobbying conversations are lost, however, when they take place exclusively behind closed doors. As such, the Lobbyist Registry was adopted to enhance accountability and transparency in local government by providing public access to the elements of the business conducted at the Town of Collingwood.

Who should register? Anyone who engages in lobbying as defined in the Lobbyist Registry By-Law must register. The Town of Collingwood recognizes three types of lobbyists:

  • In-House Lobbyists: Individuals who are paid employees, partners, or sole proprietors of an organization and who lobby on its behalf
  • Consultant Lobbyists: Individuals who lobby for payment on behalf of a client (another individual, company, partnership, or organization)
  • Voluntary Unpaid Lobbyists: Individuals who lobby without payment on behalf of a business or for-profit entity for the benefit of the interests of the for-profit entity or organization

Not sure if you are a lobbyist or need to register your lobbying activities? By answering a few yes or no questions you can determine whether or not you are a lobbyist or are lobbying, and should register your activities. Download a copy of the Am I a Lobbyist Flowchart (PDF).

When should I register? The Lobbyist Registry By-Law requires that lobbyists record lobbying activity within 10 business days of the initial communication occurring.

How do I register? Lobbyists are asked to disclose lobbying activities by identifying the subject matter, the client for which they are lobbying, the individual they lobbied, the method of communication and the date. To register, click on the following link:

Lobbyist Registry Submission Form

Interested to learn more? For more on the Lobbyist Registry, click on the links below or visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.

Can't find the information you're looking for? Contact the Registrar at accountability@collingwood.ca.