Please apply for a Building Compliance Report or for an AGCO Agency Letter of Approval (ALA) online via the Town's secure City View Public Portal.
The Building Compliance Report allows the applicant to obtain information with respect to a specific property. The details provided are confirmation of any active building permits, outstanding inspections, outstanding Building Code Act orders, heritage properties, occupancy permits, and advises if a property is regulated by conservation authorities. Please note: only building permit records dated from 1994 to the present date are searched.
Please apply online via the City View Public Portal, under the "Building & Fire Applications, Building Compliance Reports, AGCO Approvals" section. For compliance reports, a cover letter can be uploaded through the Submittals section during the application process. Ensure the covering letter provides the property address and roll number, and any other pertinent information to allow identification of the property. Please allow at least one week after payment is received for our response. For AGCO Letters, a legible site plan and floor plan drawn to scale are to be included as supporting documentation where appropriate for the application.