Whether you've chosen Collingwood for our natural amenities, rich heritage, vibrant arts community or any other amazing feature our town has to offer, we're sure you'll be happy about your decision to call Collingwood home!
Please explore our website to learn more about Collingwood's programs and services, Council and more. In the meantime, you're likely looking for quick information as you get settled, here are some topics of interest for new residents:
Waste services are provided by the County of Simcoe. If you require any garbage, recycling or organics carts at your new home, you would need to get in touch with the County. You can read more about these services on their website here https://www.simcoe.ca/dpt/swm
Water is provided by the Town, however Epcor bills on our behalf
If you are purchasing a home you would be responsible for paying the property taxes each year. We send 2 statements out yearly, which are broken down into a total of 4 installments due in February, May, August and October. Your lawyer will provide your new information to us and calculate how much taxes would be owed for this year based on your move date. Learn more: https://www.collingwood.ca/council-government/budget-taxes/property-taxes
Purchased a New Build? Typically, your first tax bill will be based solely on the value of the land itself. Once the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assesses the value of the new home built on the property, that information is shared with the Town and a supplementary tax bill will be generated.
The Simcoe County District School Board - https://www.scdsb.on.ca/ and the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board https://www.smcdsb.on.ca/ would be the best places to look for information and seek advice for the best fit for your children’s needs.
Various bus services are provided by the Town of Collingwood, County of Simcoe and neighbouring municipalities depending on if you are trying to make a trip locally or looking to travel a little further.
Health Care in Ontario is managed by the province, so your best option would be to start there. Here is a link from their website about Health care in Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/health-care-ontario That page tells you about how to apply for a health card as well as provides some resources for how to find health care.
Additionally, locally, our Business Improvement Area (BIA) website has some local listings for Health & Wellness resources in the neighbourhood. You can access that information at: https://www.ontario.ca/page/health-care-ontario to find out which local offices are accepting new patients.