In this section, learn about the various types of applications, and what forms, drawings and documents are required for each. Permit checklistys have been provided to assist in summarizing the typical requirements to obtain a Building Permit in the Town of Collingwood. Additional information may be required as needed depending on the application type and individual circumstances.
Non-Residential Permit Checklists & Guides
These requirements apply to all permit application types.
All drawings shall be drawn to scale, fully dimensioned, signed and dated.
Where drawings were prepared by a qualified designer (as defined under Div. C, Part 3, Section 3.2 of the Ontario Building Code), drawings must include the designer’s name, registration number, qualification identification number, signature, and stamp/statement that the person has reviewed and taken responsibility for the design activities.
Learn how to submit your application using our Public Portal
This guide is to be read in conjunction with the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish and is intended to assist in the completion of the form. A companion guide to the completion of the Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 forms are also available. These guides provide a description of the information that must be provided on the applicable forms. It is recommended that you read them carefully before making a permit application.
If you require further assistance please contact Building Services via email at ; via telephone at (705)-445-1030 extension 3243 or in person at our office located at 55 St. Marie Street, Unit 301 Collingwood.
General Information
The Ontario Building Code requires the following:
- That all permit applications made for the construction or demolition of buildings be made on a prescribed form. The form is uniform throughout Ontario;
- That a permit applicant must be an owner or a person authorized by the owner to act on their behalf;
- That all applicable fields on the application form be completed (it is the applicant's responsibility to make sure all information is complete and correct. An application may be refused where it is not);
- That all required Schedules [1 and where applicable, 2] are submitted with the permit application;
- That the application is accompanied by fees required under the Town of Collingwood Building By-law;
- That the applicant respond to the statements about the completeness of their application; and,
- That the applicant signs the declaration at the bottom of the application form.
- The form is available from our website or the Ministry of Municipal Affairs website.
Section A: Project Information
Section A requires the permit applicant to provide details about the location of the proposed construction or demolition. The following information must be provided:
- The correct municipal address (including the suite or unit number);
- The correct legal description of the property;
- An estimated value of the proposed construction; and
- The area of work as defined by the Town of Collingwood Building By-law.
Section B: Purpose of the Application
Section B requires the applicant to indicate by checkmark, the nature of work and to provide a general description of the proposed work being applied for (whether the proposed work relates to new construction (a new building), an addition or alteration to an existing building, the demolition of an existing building or a conditional permit. The applicant must also declare the proposed use of the new building and in the case of an addition, alteration or demolition, the current or previous use prior to construction or demolition. This information is used to assist in the determination of building code and zoning requirements. Where the proposed work is for renovations or alterations, be as specific as possible.
Section C: Applicant
The Ontario Building Code requires an application for a permit to be made by the owner of the property or by an authorized agent of the owner. Please note that the applicant is the person responsible for the application and becomes the primary contact for any correspondence or inquiries sent or made by the Building Services Division. In Section C, the applicant must:
- Identify themselves as either the owner or the authorized agent of the owner by checking the applicable box.
- Where the applicant is an authorized agent of the owner, written authorization from the owner may be required.
- Provide the required contact information for the person responsible for the permit application.
- An owner or authorized agent of the owner may be an individual or a corporation. Where the applicant is a corporation, the first and last name of the individual acting on behalf of the corporation is required.
Section D: Owner
Information about the owner must be provided in Box B where the applicant is not the owner. Where the applicant in Box B is the owner, this section can be left blank. The Ontario Building Code defines an owner as the registered owner, a lessee or a mortgagee in possession. In buildings containing leased space, the owner can be either the registered owner of the property or the legal name of the tenant who leases the building or space where the construction is proposed.
Section E: Builder
Information in Section E about the builder (or contractor) is optional. For the construction of a new home as defined by the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, information about the registered builder or the general contractor must be provided on the application form. Where the home is to be constructed by a builder as defined by the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, the name of the builder as registered with Tarion shall be provided. Where the new home is to be constructed by the owner or someone other than a builder as defined by the Act (such as the person named in Box C of the Tarion Declaration of Applicant for a Building Permit form), the name of that person shall be provided. For all other construction, the name of the general contractor or other person in charge of the construction should be provided if it is known at the time of permit application.
Section F: Tarion Warranty Corporation (Ontario New Home Warranty Program)
This section must be completed where a permit application is being made for the construction of a new home (as defined by the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act). Information about new home warranty can be obtained from the Tarion website.
- Where the application is for a new home, the applicant must check the 'Yes' box. Where the application is for the construction of a building other than a new home, the applicant must check the 'No' box and then proceed to Section G.
- The Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act requires that where a new home is being constructed by a vendor or builder as defined by the Act, the vendor or builder must be registered with Tarion. If the home is being constructed by a vendor or builder the applicant must check the 'Yes' box. Where the home is being constructed by someone other than a vendor or builder, such as a person acting as their own general contractor to build their own home to occupy, the applicant must check the 'No' box. In that case, the home will not be eligible for enrollment or coverage under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act.
- Where the answer to question (ii) is 'Yes', the registration number of the vendor or builder must be provided.
Please note that for the construction of a new home by and owner-builder, the applicant must also submit a completed Application for Letter of Confirmation form at the time of permit application. The form is available from the Tarion website.
Section G: Required Schedules
Except where the building is designed by an Architect and/or professional Engineer and the drawings have been sealed, signed and dated by those professionals, the Ontario Building Code requires the Schedules cited in this Section (Schedule 1 and where applicable, Schedule 2) to accompany every permit application. An application may be refused where the required Schedules are not submitted.
Section H: Completeness and Compliance with 'Applicable Law'
The ability of a Chief Building Official to make a determination on the compliance of an application with the Ontario Building Code and other applicable law is dependent on the completeness of the application, the plans, specifications and documents necessary to make that determination.
Effective January 1, 2011, the Ontario Building Code requires every applicant to make a declaration of the completeness of their application. The permit applicant must, by answering Yes or No in Section H:
- Declare that the application meets all of the requirements of clauses (5) (a) to (d) of Division C of the Building Code (that the application has been properly completed; that they, as applicant, are the owner or a person authorized by the owner; that they have included all of the required Schedules with the permit application and that they have paid all permit fees that are required by the Town of Collingwood Building By-law to be paid when the application is made);
- Declare that their application has been accompanied by all of the plans and specifications required to be submitted and necessary to sufficiently detail the proposed construction (such plans and specifications are set out in the Town of Collingwood Building By-law);
- Declare that their application has been accompanied by information or documents that confirm that all approvals required by an applicable law have been obtained; and,
- Declare that the proposed building, construction or demolition will not contravene any applicable law (eg. that the building design will comply with municipal zoning and other applicable law standards).
The declarations made by the applicant must be true to the best of their knowledge. Where the applicant responds with a 'No' to any of the questions cited in Section H, the application will be deemed to be incomplete and the Chief Building Official is not required to make a determination of the application within the prescribed time frame. Where the applicant responds with a 'Yes' to all of the questions cited in Section H, the Chief Building Official shall provide a full review of the building permit application within the prescribed time frame. In either case, the documents required to be submitted will be confirmed by the Chief Building Official at the time of application..
Section I: Declaration of Applicant
Section I requires the applicant to declare that the application form, attached schedules and documentation submitted with the permit application is true to the best of their knowledge. Where the application is being made by an individual representing a corporation, that individual must have the authority to bind the corporation. The applicant must clearly and legibly print their name and sign and date the form attesting to the information provided and statements made.
Each stakeholder has a defined role in the building permit process; there are responsibilities attached to each role. Knowing your role in the construction and demolition permit process is beneficial because:
- It sets expectations for yourself and others;
- Helps mitigate risk as things are less likely to be missed or overlooked;
- Increases production and less energy is wasted;
- Creates a collaborative working environment with fewer discrepancies; and,
- Ultimately: it's the law.
You can contribute to the success of your project by understanding the various roles in the building permit process.
Roles of Various Persons Involved in Building Construction & Demolition
Every person who causes a building to be constructed or demolished must ensure that:
- The construction or demolition proceeds in accordance with the Building Code, the Building Code Act, and the Issued Permit Package issued by the Chief Building Official i.e. Reviewed Drawings, Permit Placard, etc.);
- That no construction commences without an issued building permit; and
- Where required, ensure that construction or demolition is carried out by a qualified professional with the appropriate insurance as per the Building Code Act.
- The role of the Applicant is to ensure that a complete application is submitted to the Building Services Division.
- In accordance with the Building Code Act, Building Code, and Building By-Laws:
- Drawings are required to be drawn to scale.
- Drawings require enough detail to perform both plan review and inspections, once issued.
- The Applicant is the principle contact for the project and is responsible for all communication between the Building Services Department, Designers, Contractors, Owners, Prime Consultants, and any other person(s) with a vested interest in the project.
- If the Applicant is not the Owner of the property on which a building will be constructed or demolished, a Property Owner Consent Letter must be provided with the building permit application.
- The Applicant must ensure that all fees associated with the proposed construction are paid upon receipt of the invoice.
- Regarding revisions to building permits, the Applicant shall only schedule an inspection once the revision has been approved by the Building Services Department.
- If there are any changes in major project stakeholders (i.e. Consultants, Builders/Contractors, Designers, or Owner), the Applicant must notify the City of Barrie's Chief Building Official.
The role of the Owner is to ensure that the building is maintained, repaired, and evaluated in accordance with the Building Code Act and the Building Code. The Owner is also responsible for ensuring that documents, records, and other information about the building are kept safe and can be provided in accordance with the Act.
- The role of the Builder/Contractor is to proceed with construction when a building permit required under the Act has been issued by the Chief Building Official.
- The Builder/Contractor will:
- in accordance with the reviewed permit drawings
- Use appropriate building techniques to achieve compliance
- To notify the Designer and Building Inspector of any changes are required to be made from the reviewed permit drawings.
Building Services
The role of the Building Services Division is to ensure that proposed construction meets the requirements of the Building Code Act, Building Code, Town Building By-law, and all other Applicable Law as defined under Article of Div A, Part 1 of the Ontario Building Code.
Building Inspector
The role of a Building Inspector is to determine compliance with the Building Code Act, Ontario Building Code, Town Building By-Law, and Applicable Law prior to issuance of a building permit.
Before the Building Permit is Issued
- During the permit application stage the Building Inspector will:
- Perform a review of the permit application package
- Provide review comments to the Applicant in a timely manner
- Issue permits once compliance is shown
After the Building Permit is Issued
- Perform an inspection to confirm construction is in accordance with the reviewed permit drawings approved plans and the Building Code. Upon inspection, the Building Inspector will:
- Provide inspection reports with deficiencies found during inspection
- Place an Order in accordance with the Building Code Act, when required.
- Approve minor on-site revisions due to construction difficulties
Chief Building Official
The Role of the Chief Building Official is to coordinate and oversee the enforcement of the Building Code Act, Building Code, and the Town Building By-law by establishing operation policies for the enforcement of the Act.