Trails & Active Transportation


The Collingwood Trails Network encompasses over 60 kilometers of recreational trails for cyclists, walkers, joggers, cross country skiers and snowshoers. There is a trail leading to every major point of interest in the Town including the George Christie Nature trails, the shoreline of Sunset Point Park, the scenic lookout at Millennium Park, the tranquil gardens of the Arboretum, the Labyrinth, the Museum and Historic Downtown Collingwood. Granular, concrete, asphalt, wooden boardwalks and natural surface trails join cycling routes to help you get around Town. Most surfaced trails are flat terrain and generally accessible for the physically challenged. Snowmobiles have access only on signed local access trails. No other motorized vehicles are permitted. Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way to improve both mental and physical health. The trails make it easier for everyone to be physically active and travel seamlessly to their destination. In addition to its ever-expanding network of recreational trails, Collingwood is also expanding its cycling routes, bike parking stations and safe crosswalks to promote and encourage active transportation and alternative modes of travel in the area.

Trail Etiquette

The Collingwood Trails are a multi-use accessible trail system for pedestrians, dog-walkers and cyclists - and in winter - snowshoers, cross-country skiers and snowmobiles (snowmobiles on designated trails only). A pleasant and safe experience for all trail users depends upon everyone showing courtesy to others and following some basic rules, such as the basic etiquette items below.

  • Pedestrians always have the right of way.
  • Stay to the right of the trail.
  • When overtaking other, pass on the left and sound a warning by bell or voice.
  • Do not block the trail.

Please remember that within the Town of Collingwood all dogs must be on a leash and under your control.

Please stoop and scoop after your pet and put the pet waste in a proper waste receptacle. Do not leave pet waste or pet waste bags on the ground. Numerous pet waste bag dispensers are located along the trails. Lastly, please ensure that your music and personal entertainment devices aren't so loud that you cannot hear cyclists and others who may be warning they are passing.

Safety on Trails

Most of Collingwood Trails are close to homes and businesses and trail users are clearly visible from the street; however, there are locations where users are somewhat isolated. For your own personal safety always be accompanied by a buddy, let people know where you are going and when you expect to return, and carry a cell phone with you. Emergencies can happen when you least expect them.

Active Transportation

Active transportation refers to the movement of people or goods through human powered activities. These activities may include walking, cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding as well as mobility aids such as wheelchairs and scooters. Since 2015 Collingwood has been steadily expanding its active transportation infrastructure to include a network of on-road bicycle facilities, shared cycling facilities and multi-use pathways. Providing identified routes for various purposes such as, adults and children commuting to work and school, contributes to a healthier lifestyle as well as reduces emissions, saves energy, saves costs and contributes to making Collingwood a cleaner, healthier and more livable community.


Since all trails in Collingwood are multi-use trails, at any time you may encounter hikers, bikers, dog walkers, inline skaters, runners, and others. In order to provide a safe environment for all users, it is critical that all users be courteous and "Share the Trail" - and for cyclist please ensure that you control your speed. Please remember that motorized vehicles are prohibited on the Collingwood Trails with the exception of personal mobility devices and a specific type of E-Bike.

E-bikes are allowed on the trail when the following provisions are met: a) It is similar in appearance to a standard bicycle. b) It has steering handlebars and is equipped with pedals c) It is engaged by the use of muscular power and equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the electric bicycle reaches 32kph. These E-bikes are commonly referred to as a "Pedelecs" or "Pedal Assisted bicycles, or Class 1 E-bikes.

A huge variety of E-bikes and alternative electric vehicles are becoming widely available in the marketplace. If you are looking to purchase one of these vehicles and wish to find out if they are allowed on the trail network and your local roads, please contact Customer Service at 705-445-1030 or by email