Trails & Active Transportation Advisory Committee Update

Parks, Trails & Harbour
Trails and Active Transportation Logo

Going back to the year 2000, the idea of building a trail around the Cranberry marsh area began to germinate. In 2016, George Christie and a few volunteers started the actual build of the Cranberry Boardwalk trail.

George and his expanding band of volunteers (pictured below) have just completed 11 more sections (132 feet) of boardwalk using repurposed donated wood, the latest of which came from the Collingwood Ski Club. This brings the total length to over 500 meters with 17 more sections to go before the boardwalk will end, approximately 100m behind the Georgian Bay Hotel.


If you are looking for a pleasant walk with lots of nature, head to this boardwalk. You might even see
a beaver hard at work damming the marsh!

As always, if you have suggestions regarding trails and active transportation, please send them to