Notice of Study Commencement

Water & Wastewater

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment  Stormwater Management Master Plan – Phase II Notice of Study Commencement – 20 December 2023

The Town of Collingwood has commenced the second phase (Phase II) of the Stormwater Management (SWM) Master Plan. The Town completed the initial background information collection phase of the SWM Master Plan in January 2022.  During Phase I, a comprehensive model was created to assess the existing conditions of Collingwood’s stormwater management system. The purpose was to gain a better understanding of the existing capacity of the stormwater infrastructure and riverine systems and identify potential flood damage zones within the Town of Collingwood. Phase II of the SWM Master Plan will identify alternative solutions to address flooding issues within Collingwood and establish the preferred solution to effectively mitigate these flood issues.  

The primary objectives of this assignment are to: analyze the model results obtained during Phase I and identify all existing flooding problems and opportunities related to the current conditions; update the modeling to account for future development scenarios; and, to determine mitigation solutions that align with the Municipal Class EA process.

The Phase II Townwide SWM Master Plan for Collingwood is being conducted in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process, a Schedule ‘B’ activity as defined by the Municipal Engineers Association Class EA documentation. The Class EA process: identifies and confirms the Project-related problems and opportunities; develops alternative solutions; assesses the potential environmental, cultural, social, and economic impacts of the problems, opportunities, and solutions; recommends preferred projects; and, incorporates monitoring and mitigation measures. This type of EA includes public and agency consultation. 

Project updates and notices will be posted on the Town’s engagement portal in January 2024 to inform the public of the Class EA’s progress.  Please subscribe to the Town’s News & Notices to be notified of the launch of the Engage Collingwood project page.

If you have any questions or concerns, and/or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please contact one of the study representatives listed below via email. 

Stuart West, P. Eng. 

Manager, Engineering Services

Town of Collingwood  


Josh Maitland, P. Eng.

Consultant Project Manager

Greenland Consulting Engineers