Collingwood Arts Centre Feasibility Steering Committee (CACF)

The role of the Collingwood Arts Centre Phase 3 Project Steering Committee is to work collaboratively with the Colliers Project Leaders (“The Consultant”) to steer the Phase 3 Business Case of the Collingwood Arts and Cultural Centre (“The Project”) such that it aligns with Council’s direction, incorporating the needs and vision of artists, the arts industry and the public, and provides the best opportunity for a vibrant and sustainable Arts Centre. The Steering Committee's role will be advisory in nature and not retain any decision making.


The main responsibilities of the Steering Committee include:

  • Providing input to the development of the project, including the evaluation strategy
  • Defining and helping to achieve the project outcomes, as described in the Project Charter
  • Identifying the priorities in the project – where the most energy should be directed
  • Identifying potential risks
  • Monitoring risks
  • Monitoring timelines
  • Monitoring the quality of the project as it develops
  • Providing advice about changes to the project as it develops

The Steering Committee shall consist of the following voting members:

  • The Mayor of the Town of Collingwood or a designated representative (Committee Chair)
  • One (1) member of the Collingwood Town Council
  • Director of PRC and Other Appropriate Town Staff as may be required at the direction of the CAO
  • Three (3) representatives from the local arts or relevant industry
  • Three (3) members of the public with a demonstrated interest in arts and culture
Key Qualifications & Eligibility Requirements

Citizen Membership requirements:

  • Eligible to vote in the Town of Collingwood municipal election (or a nominee of a Collingwood based "arts & culture" business or organization)
  • Skill sets and experience in local arts or relevant industry, or a demonstrated interest in arts and culture
  • Additional skills and expertise that would complement those of the Consulting team
  • Strong communication skills, demonstrated initiative, and a positive attitude

The Steering Committee shall meet with the Consultant monthly, or as needed to address critical project issues.

Call for Steering Committee Applicants

The Town of Collingwood is seeking applicants to fill six (6) Citizen Member seats on the Collingwood Arts Centre Feasibility Steering Committee. 

Applications accepted until October 27, 2023

Questions: 705-445-1030

Apply Now

Committee/Board Information

Town of Collingwood Committee & Board
All members of Council sit on this committee