Sixth Street Reconstruction Schedule ‘A+’ Municipal Class EA - Notice of Public Information Centre

Water & Wastewater

The Town of Collingwood and Tatham Engineering are pleased to provide residents and business owners in Collingwood with information and details regarding the reconstruction of Sixth Street, between High Street and Hurontario Street, as illustrated on the project map below.

The primary objectives of this project are:
    replacement of the existing undersized and deteriorated watermain distribution system, including hydrants and individual services to the property line; and
    installation of a transmission watermain to improve water supply and pressure to the west side of Collingwood.

The project will also include:
    replacement of aged sanitary sewer and storm sewer, including the replacement of sanitary services to property line;
    full road reconstruction, including new concrete curb and gutter;
    active transportation improvements; and
    reinstatement of all disturbed areas to previous or better condition.

Public Information Centre

The Town and Tatham Engineering will host a Public Information Centre (PIC) for the project from 6 to 8 pm on May 31, 2023, at the Collingwood Public Library on the 3rd Floor in Community Rooms B&C. We encourage all residents living within and / or adjacent to the project limits attend the open house. 
This PIC will be an informal open house (without a presentation) with Town Staff and Tatham Engineering. The purpose of this open house will be to display the preliminary design drawings and to discuss and answer any questions you may have about the Project.

Interested parties may submit written comments to the Tatham Engineering project manager or the Town’s project manager, (contact information below) via e-mail. Alternatively, comment cards will be available at the PIC for attendees to fill out. Should you be unable to attend the public information centre, we welcome you to visit the Town of Collingwood Engage website ( to view the preliminary drawings. 


Adam Timlock, P.Eng. 
Project Manager
Tatham Engineering Limited
115 Sandford Fleming Drive,
Suite 200, Collingwood, ON L9Y 5A6 

Mike Latimer, C.E.T.
Project Manager
Town of Collingwood
P.O. Box 157, 545 Tenth Line North
Collingwood, ON  L9Y 3Z5  

Please note all personal information included in written comments and requests – such as name, address, telephone number, etc. is collected, maintained and may be disclosed for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. This notice was first issued on May 18, 2023.