On September 27th, Council approved interim disinfection upgrades to restore water capacity for future development involving ultraviolet (UV) treatment within the existing Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
The installation of the UV process within the existing WTP will restore the full capacity at the WTP, thus relieving the winter water supply capacity restrictions and making an additional 790 SDUs (Equivalent Single Dwelling Units) available once commissioned. Collingwood will pay the about $900,000 of costs to restore full capacity, and the other costs for items re-usable in the expansion will be split through agreements with any municipalities who partner in the expansion. It is anticipated that the installation of UV reactors in the existing WTP would be substantially complete by November 2022 (commissioning by October 2022).
The use of ultraviolet light for disinfection is a common and safe process in water and wastewater treatment. The process uses ultraviolet irradiation to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. The Town will be selecting the manufacturer and vendor of the UV system through an open procurement process.
At the Council meeting held Monday, April 26, Council approved a pause in development to address drinking water capacity for future development, using an Interim Control Bylaw (ICBL). The water supply is safe and available for current residents, industry, commercial uses, and visitors. There is enough water for several years of growth, but even with the capacity restored through today’s UV announcement, it is not enough to continue at the same pace until the drinking water treatment plant is expanded. Construction that does not use more water such as most residential renovations can continue.
Addressing our drinking water capacity challenges is one of our highest Town priorities.
The Request For Proposal (RFP) for the design of the expansion of the Raymond A. Barker Water Treatment Plant was awarded to AECOM/Ainley Group (AECOM) in early July 2021. Preliminary concepts were presented to Council on July 26, 2021, and stakeholder meetings continue. The WTP expansion is targeted to be commissioned by early 2026.

For more information, and to track the progress on increasing water capacity and planning activity associated with removing the need for the pause in development, please visit: engage.collingwood.ca. Questions and comments are also encouraged using the engage.collingwood page.
About Collingwood
The Town of Collingwood is a progressive community located in the heart of a four-season recreation area on the southern shore of Georgian Bay. The area is well known for its many natural amenities and its rich heritage. Collingwood is a destination for tourism and many business, sporting and cultural events Collingwood acts as gateway to the South Georgian Bay region, with stunning landscapes that encourage an active lifestyle, and inspire the local arts and culture community. Downtown Collingwood might just surprise you with 30 plus restaurants, 60 plus boutique shops, spas for relaxing, live music for grooving…all in the only downtown core recognized in Canada’s Registrar of Historic Places! More recently, the harbourfront area is emerging as an extension to the downtown district. Plans for expanding the amenities and events in the harbourfront area promise to make this a much more prominent tourism destination.
For more information, contact:
Director, Public Works, Engineering, and Environmental Services
Peggy Slama
T. 705-445-1292 ext. 4201
Manager, Public Relations & Communications
Christa Carter
T. 705-445-1030 Ext. 3274