Awen' Gathering Place

Awen' Gathering Place

The Awen' Gathering Place is a space along the Collingwood waterfront to recognize the First Nations presence in South Georgian Bay and to create opportunities for engagement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples while fostering reconciliation through education and conversation.

National Day For Truth and Reconciliation, September 30th, 2024

Flag Raising

Friday, Sept. 27th, @ 4:00 p.m. Community Flag Pole, Collingwood Public Library, 55 Ste. Marie Street

Join us as we raise the Every Child Matters Flag, in commemoration of the tragic history of the residential school system, honouring the innocent lives taken and intergenerational survivors.

Add a feather of intention, to the Every Child Matters artwork shared by CCI students in 2023, exploring individual actions that can be taken to strengthen relationships and set a path forward towards reconciliation.

Poetry Installation

Beginning Monday, September 30th, Harbourview Park, follow the trail through the forest nestled just west of the Awen' Gathering Circle. Begin at the Truth & Reconciliation sign and take time to pause as you move along the trail following the poem, Spare a Moment, by Collingwood Poet Laureate Jillian Morris.

Orange Shirt

Please consider wearing orange on Monday, September 30th in honour of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation also recognized as Orange Shirt Day. Every Child Matters Buttons are also available at Town Hall while supplies last, beginning Monday, September 23rd during regular business hours.

For more information and resources, please explore the National Day for Truth & Reconcilation drop-down below.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Land

A land acknowledgment is a formal statement of gratitude, an understanding of territory and a means of honoring Indigenous people who have lived and cared for the land since time immemorial. In the past they were shared by Indigenous People when visiting other territories, a customary protocol to express respect and to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and are now an important part of reconciliation. Land acknowledgements ask of us to be mindful and reflect on our shared history, relationships and place.


Across Ontario there are over 40 treaties and other land agreements. Treaties were established as agreements between Indigenous Nations and the Crown. They form the basis of relationships, setting out the rights and responsibilities of First Nations and government (federal and provincial). The treaty-making process was undertaken in the spirit of peace, co-existence and mutual respect by First Nations people.

Treaty 18 was signed on October 17, 1818. It is also known as the Lake Simcoe-Nottawasaga Treaty.

The first week in November is Treaties Recognition Week. You can find additional information about the importance of treaties and treaty relationships at the following links:
Native Land Digital
Whose Land Treaties and Agreements
Lake Simcoe-Nottawasaga Treaty No. 18
Treaties Recognition Week

Saugeen Ojibway Nation

Collingwood resides within the Territory of Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which includes Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation and Saugeen First Nation and is home to many Indigenous peoples including Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe.

More Information about the Awen' Gathering Place

The concept for the Awen' Gathering Place is based on the teachings of renowned Anishinaabe educator, artist, and poet Dr. Duke Redbird. It links the seven layers of the food forest to the Seven Grandfather Teachings, an ancient Anishinaabe/Midewiwin teaching on the ethics of proper behaviour and conduct or 'the good way of life'. These teachings are linked to lands that were for thousands of years, the source of life for the Anishinaabeg peoples who gathered foods, medicines, and materials from the forest in the area that is now Collingwood.

Inuksuk at Sunset Park

Silhouette of an inukshuk against a sunset

An inukshuk/inuksuk is an iconic Canadian symbol but what does it mean?

For generations, Inuit have been creating these impressive stone markers on the vast Arctic landscape. Inuksuit (plural of Inuksuk) can be found throughout the circumpolar region.

Translation of inuksuk means 'human like'. They offer direction, but not in the way you might expect and they also act as landmarks.

To follow their direction, look through the stomach if there is one or through the legs. The inuksuk faces the direction to go.

Photo credit: Doug Burlock Photography

Visit Collingwood's Inuksuk to learn more.

Adjacent to Collingwood's Inuksuk you will find a sign with more about Inuit culture, created with the support of Muckpaloo Ipeelie. Read about Inuit traditional land, language and food and gain a new perspective on the Inuksuk at Sunset Park.

Stylized photograph of three Inuit people laughing