The information below has been provided to assist in summarizing the typical requirements to obtain a building permit for a new dwelling within the Town of Collingwood. Additional information may be required depending on the application type and individual circumstances.
We strongly recommended that you work with a design professional such as an architect, professional engineer or a Building Code qualified designer to create complete and accurate drawings that comply with the Building Code and Collingwood Zoning By-law. These drawings will need to be submitted along with your permit application.
All drawings for non-residential and multi-residential properties such as apartments and condos must be signed, sealed and dated by an architect, professional engineer and/or qualified designer.
Drawings that are prepared by a qualified designer (as defined in the Ontario Building Code) must include:
- The qualified designer’s name
- The qualified designer’s registration number
- The qualification identification number of the qualified designer (Building Code Identification Number: BCIN)
- The qualified designer's signature
- The stamp or statement that the qualified designer has reviewed and taken responsibility for the design activities
Effective January 1, 2022, a Zoning Certificate is required before you apply for a building permit.
In many instances, before a building permit application can be processed and a permit issued, there are approvals from other agencies that may be required. These approvals are not administered by Building Services. Please ensure all required approvals are complete prior to submitting your application using the Applicable Law Checklist.
- Building Permit Application Form
- Owner Authorization Form
- Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS) Form - Prescriptive Method
- Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS) Form - Performance Method
The following list of drawings, specifications, and documents are required to be submitted with a complete permit application:
- Site Plan
- Approved Lot Grading and Drainage Plan
- TARION Registration Form
- Where applicable a complete On-Site Sewage System Permit Application
- Floor Plan (one per floor)
- Floor and Roof Framing Plans
- Building Elevations (4)
- Building Section (min. 1)
- Mechanical Ventilation Form
- Heat Loss / Heat Gain Calculations and Furnace make /model
- Deed; when lot is created via severance
Typical Fees & Charges
A summary of the typical fees and charges are listed below. All permit fees and charges are calculated during the permit application review process. Additional fees may apply.
Building Permit Fee: $1.17/ft2
Water Meter Fee: $440.00
Construction Water Supply Fee: $305.00
New Dwelling with a Septic System Fee: $588.62
In-Fill Lots Only: Lot Grading Deposit $3,418.87 (refundable upon grading certification)
Development Charges
Refer to the following agency website for applicable development charges:
County of Simcoe Development Charges
Simcoe County District School Board Development Charges
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic School Board Development Charges
Rules for Determining Permit Fees: (Building By-law No. 2019-039)
The following rules will assist in determining permit fees:
- The floor area calculation is the sum of the areas of all floors including finished basement areas, balconies, lofts, mezzanines, habitable attic spaces, mechanical penthouses and shall be measured to the outer face of the exterior walls and to the centre line of party walls, firewalls or demising walls.
- Except for interconnected floor spaces, no deductions shall be made for openings wthin the floor area, i.e. stairs, elevators, ducts.
- Unfinished basements for a house are not included in calculating the floor area. A future basement finish is subject to a building permit and fees in accordance with this By-law.
- A garage serving a house to which it is attached or built-in shall not be included in the floor area calculations.
- Decks and wood burning fireplaces shall be charged with the permit fee in accordance with this By-law in addition to the applicable floor area calculations.
Complete Applications: 10 Business days
Incomplete Applications: > 20 Business days
Factors Delaying Permit Processing Time
- Zoning review is completed by the Planning Services Division which is a required Applicable Law. This generally adds an additional 3-5 business days to permit processing time.
- Additional review may be necessary if revisions are requested by your Building Inspector due to incomplete, non-compliant, or unclear drawings.
- Incomplete drawings typically cause the majority of all delays in receiving your building permit. When planning your project, you should consider allocating additional time that may be required for yourself or your designer to revise drawings, and the Building Inspector to review your revised drawings for compliance. This could add several weeks or more depending on availability and complexity.
Sentence of Division C of the Ontario Building Code (the Code) requires that where an application for a permit meets the requirements of a complete application as set out in Sentence of Division C, a decision to issue or refuse (with written reasons) such permit shall be made within times prescribed by the Code. The Code further provides that where the Chief Building Official determines that an application is not complete, the Chief Building Official is not required to make a decision within the times prescribed by the Code.
- First, you must register prior to using the Public Portal.
- Submit a complete permit application and all supporting documents using the Public Portal.
- Follow each step during the submission process for your application.
- When your application is successfully submitted through the Public Portal, Staff will complete a pre-screen of your application to review for completeness and compliance with the Building Code and Applicable Law. A status update will be sent via email within mandated timelines.
- The Building Permit portion only of the total fees is required to be paid PRIOR to our undertaking a review for Ontario Building Code (OBC) compliance. This initial down-payment amount will be advised during the pre-screening of your application. Please log into the online Public Portal to pay fees via credit card.
- Application review comments are provided during review to identify any outstanding requirements and to summarize permit fees.
- You may view the status of your application in your Portal account under the "My Items" menu selection.
- Permit is issued when the OBC review is complete, and all fees are paid.
Privacy Notice
Please DO NOT include any personal information on your Building Plans (e.g., the homeowner’s name or phone number). Building Plans submitted for Permit are subject to disclosure in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).